Chapter 17

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Wonho POV

Wait did I just hear right I.M likes Arin. She needs to know this. I hurried to their cabin to find Arin.

"Arin Arin Arin" I screamed looking for Arin

"Yah why are you shouting you fool" Yooa scolded me

"I.M likes Arin" I said

"Oh my gosh" she said looking speechless

She is now panicking like a lunatic woman who just got out from the mental hospital. I hurried to stop her because a lot of students were staring at us.

"Can we tell Arin?" I asked her

"But Arin has to figure it out herself and if she is still doesn't tell I.M about her feelings sooner or later we have to take matters in our own hands" she said

After we fangirl/boyed about our maknae's relationship a lot of people were staring at us. We didn't even realized it.

Yooa POV

Wonho was like a close friend to talk to and it was kind of funny that we were talking about girl stuff and he's a boy. I felt like I found a person that understands me. Suddenly Arin went to us.

"Why are you guys screaming like girls?" She asked

"Oh nothing" Wonho said as an excuse

"Oh Arin I was looking for you" I.M suddenly appears

"Oh arasso wae" she asked

"I just wanted to talk about the video" he said

"Umm can we talk about it later I have something to do today" she said as an excuse but why?

"Ummm I can help you do it so that you can finish faster" he offered

"Ahhh aniyo gwenchana I can do it by myself" she said then left

I followed her and saw where she was going. She went inside the music room.

"Hey you okay" I asked

"Do you think i'm okay?" She said sarcastically

"Why?" I asked

"It's just that I still can't tell him my feelings and the way he's acting is making it hard for me to still keep it a secret" she said

"You know you have to tell him sooner or later right" I told her

"I know i'm just looking for the right time" she excused

"Wait don't you have something to do" I asked her

"No I just said that as an excuse" she said

I feel bad for her because she is so young and is already suffering like this. Confused of her feelings. I hope she gains courage to tell him fast. Before I.M finds someone else.

I told Wonho about it and he had the same reaction as me.

"I know I.M and if he truly likes Arin he would be willing to wait for her. He is one loyal guy" he said to assure me.

I went to practice with my unnies for our special performance tomorrow. We were splitting parts and practicing the dances. Arin said she wasn't feeling well so she couldn't help today. But we still practiced diligently

Mimi POV

Today was the day of our performance. We performed the song and dedicated it to the other 23 year olds out there.

Shownu, Jooheon and Wonho were really focused in the performance. Arin and Jiho would give them death glares and they would look away.

"Wow it's like seeing my kids grow up" Hyojung unnie said while going up stage with Bogum oppa who is MCing with her

"Are the maknae line gonna let their unnies beat them?" Bogum oppa said eyeing the maknae line

"Aniyo" Seunghee said then went upstage with Jiho and Arin

"What are you girls gonna show us?" Bogum oppa asked

"We are gonna perform Baby Steps" seunghee said

They didn't prepare that big of a performance so they just stood and sang.

(Seunghee - Taeyeon, Arin - Seohyun and Jiho - Tiffany)

They showed great vocals and the performance was just right.

When the performance was finished the next day there were a lot of camera men that showed up. They were going to film our videos some students called a special guest.

Minhyuk POV

Me and Hyojung finished picking a camera man and started preparing for filming. Hyojung wore a pretty white dress and I wore just a casual outfit. We went easy mode for the video and chose Photograph by Namjoo and Sungjae sunbaenim. We just filmed in a wooden corner as a background.

Hyojung looked really cute in the video. I couldn't believe she was their eldest unnie. She acted like a maknae. It would always make me smile whenever she smiles.

Some of the members went to watch us and were jealous because the videos they picked were very hard to do.

Kihyun POV

The song we picked was All for you by Eunji and Seo In Guk sunbaenim. Ours was also a bit easy because we used the movie parts and exchanged them with the videos the students took while the 1 month of camp started so that it will be memorable. Seunghee was the best in editing so she edited the videos and I just watched her from behind.

"Are you sure you really don't need my help?" I asked

"For the hundredth time I don't need help and I can do it fine on my own" she said sounding a bit irritated

"I was just trying to help" I said then walked away

Thank you for reading everyone, hope you all loved this chapter. Please also read my other stories:
- Trust (Jungkook and Yein  fanfic feat Banglyz)
-Forbidden Love (Bang Yedam and Lee Chaeyoung fanfic)
-We got married (Sehun and Sejeong fanfic)
-High School Love On (Jimin and Yeri fanfic)
Well hope you enjoy this story. Don't forget to vote comment and follow me♡♡♡

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