Chapter 18

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Seunghee POV

I felt a bit sorry for shouting and getting mad at him like that. He didn't talk to me after that. The next day I hung out with Arin.

"Hey anything wrong?" She asked

"Nothing is wrong" I answered

"I've known you since the day I was in my mom's womb. You can't lie to me I know something is wrong. You keep on staring into space and playing with your fingers" she said

"It's just that I got in a fight with Kihyun. It's just a small fight don't worry" I said

"I will not worry if you tell me the whole story" she said

"Well I was editing our video then he kept asking if I needed his help but I really didn't so I shouted at him out of my anger and irritation but I know he was just trying to help I just let my anger get the best of me and I feel so sorry right now" I said quickly

"Well you have to apologise and don't give me that I have my pride excuse and I'm too shy excuse also that-" she said then I cut her off

"I get it okay but seriously I can't do it" i said

"Well you'll need to make up with him sooner or later" she said then we parted ways because she has to film.

I went to go film too. When I saw Kihyun he looked away from me. I felt like I did something really wrong. We continued filming like that. We definetly had no chemistry at all. We stopped filming because we were so awkward.

When I was about to leave I saw him talking to Yeeun one of the pretty girls at school.

I felt jealous and without me knowing I suddenly cried. I hurriedly ran to my cabin.

"Hey you alright?" I heared someone ask me

When i looked up I saw it was my members. They were smiling at me and when they saw me crying they suddenly hugged me. That was all I needed.

I didn't want to tell them about it so I lied to them. I told them that I saw a bad comment about me and cried. Arin looked at me suspiciously and wasn't convinced by my excuse.

I just thought of why would Kihyun be with her. Then I thought Yeeun was totally girlfriend material she was pretty, cute and she has a lot of suitors lining up for her. I think I need to let Kihyun go.

Kihyun POV

I was on my way to go to the music room to practice with Seunghee. When I entered the room I saw Yeeun.

"Oh Yeeun why are you here?" I asked

"We're partners right?" she asked

"Seunghee is my partner" I answered

"Oh didn't Mr. Chae tell you? We're switching partners" she answered

I went outside and started looking for Seunghee. I saw her practicing with Youngjae. She looked happy playing the guitar and singing with him. I felt angry seeing them. Then I pulled Seunghee out of the room.

"Yah stop pulling me" she said angrily

"Why?" I asked her

"What do you mean by why?" She asked back

"Why did we change partners? What's wrong. Is it because of our fight? Well we can talk about it not by changing partners" I asked

"Kihyun this is the best for us. You and Yeeun can film the video with the best chemistry. We just don't. I just can't do it" she said then left. When I suddenly pulled her wrist and kissed her.

Wonho POV

Yooa and me have been very close lately and we would always chat together. I never knew I could be this noisy and loud when I am with Yooa. 

When I am with my members I was always quiet. The members noticed my change and told me that it irritated them because I was becoming noisier than Minhyuk and Jooheon. I would just laugh at them.

Yooa has been a great partner for me and she really helped the most with the dance. I also knew that her brother was part of 1 million  a dance group. I now know where she got the good genes from dancing.

"Wonho you got the foot steps wrong" she said while we were practicing and started helping me memorise dance.

We were filming a dance practice as a special video to show the skills of us dance line. We made the dance and song really special and it really defines us students as performers.


"Yah who is it that will help us for our video and you seem very close to him?" I asked Arin

"Don't worry you'll meet him later he'll come with K. Will sunbae" she said

We were preparing for the video. We already shot a lot of scenes the only scenes left were the kissing scene and K. Will's scene. We waited for a long time then they finally came. Siwon sunbae was there. Arin ran up to him and hugged him right saying she missed him.

"Oh I.M this is my brother Siwon. Oppa this is my partner I.M" she introduced us.

I thought they were in a relationship. They looked like a couple at first so I just shrugged it off and felt stupid. I greeted him politely and thanked him. He had to leave early because of a schedule. So me and Arin left to film the last scene.

We were both very nervous about the kiss scene. Arin tried to keep cool and professional about it but there was still a sense of nervousness.

(Start in 2:36 for the trial fake kissing scene)

"Aish we can't make it look fake let's just do it for real" Arin said looking frustrated

Then we did the kissing scene. Arin looked cool about it so I didn't react too much but inside I felt my heart fluttering.

Thank you for reading everyone, hope you all loved this chapter. Please also read my other stories:
- Trust (Jungkook and Yein  fanfic feat Banglyz)
-Forbidden Love (Bang Yedam and Lee Chaeyoung fanfic)
-We got married (Sehun and Sejeong fanfic)
-High School Love On (Jimin and Yeri fanfic)
Well hope you enjoy this story. Don't forget to vote comment and follow me♡♡♡

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