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smol synopsis: dan has been recovering from self harm (cutting) and Phil (his boyfriend) is so proud. one day, something happens. on accident.

Dan sat in the kitchen, typing random words to Phil.

"Oh, Danny. I'm so proud of you. You've been clean for a year now :)"

"i guess i'm proud too lol"

"i'm getting you a present right now. i love you so much, babe"

A smile twitched on Dan's lips.

"I'm making dinner, and maybe we can have some fun later ;)"

"i love you, too <3"

Dan went over to the kitchen, and looked at all the ingredients he had spread on the table. He had decided he was going to make fajitas, and turned on the stove to get the pan warm enough for the peppers. He walked to the cutting board, and began to cut the peppers, each into small bits. Halfway through cutting the colored vegetables, he felt his phone vibrate. His mind was so off the topic of cutting the peppers and was instead thinking of who texted him, his hand slipped and he slowly hit his wrist, right above his bracelets. 

"Fuck." He mumbled under his breath, grabbing the rag on the over. He heard the door open, and just though Phil was gonna to his room and wrap what he got him. "I'm home, Danny!" He spoke, his voice still like a cute cinnamon roll. "Hey, Philly! I'm in the kitchen!" But Phil was already in the kitchen, and was looking at Dan, who wasn't in quite a good position. Bloody knife on the counter along with his bracelets, and a rag on his wrist. "D-dan, I thought you stopped. I was s-so proud." Dan was clueless for a second. "What the hell was he even talking about?" He thought, and then looked at his bloodied wrist. He saw the remainder of the old cuts, and it hit him. "Phil! It's not what it looks like!" He rolled his eyes. "That's what you said last time! Dan, you nearly died!" Dan bit his lip. "Phil, I was making dinner and my finger slipped and the knife hit my wrist. Do you not trust me?" Phil looked at the floor.

"Dan, I don't know. It was pretty bad last time." Dan's mouth dropped. "I can't believe you don't fucking trust me, Phil! I was making dinner!" Phil looked over the brown haired boy's shoulder and sighed. He was instantly filled with a wave of guilt. He blamed Dan. He said he didn't trust his own boyfriend. And Dan looked like he was going to break down in tears. "Dan, I'm sorry. It's just, I was so proud of you. You got better after a while, and I thought you relapsed. Dan, I love you so much. I can't lose you." Phil felt tears filling his own eyes. "I guess I'm sorry, too. I should be more careful." He reached out for a hug for Phil and he took the chance. They hugged and Phil forgot the bag in his hand. 

"This is what I got you, bear." Phil handed him the box. Inside was a bracelet, shining gold, "Best Friend" written in silver. Dan smiled at Phil. "Thank you so much, babe. I love it." Phil felt himself blush. "It's been a year." Then he looked at the clock, revealing it was almost 6pm. (18:00) 

"Maybe we should go out to dinner." 

Dan giggled.

"Let's go."

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