your song

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prompt- dan is a struggling musician who thinks his life is slowly falling apart, until he finds inspiration. 

triggers- major character death, cancer, mention of abuse, slight homophobia

pastel! dan x punk! phil

a/n- i know that the songs mentioned dan and phil didn't write, obviously. Just for effect :^) 

song by elton john (but here is ellie goulding's cover :) ^^


"I just want you to know who I am." Dan finished the final strum of the song and smiled to the audience. The audience, or even if considered that, was a half empty bar. You could have looked at it half full, but Dan wasn't that type of person. "Thank you!" He was slightly applauded, one boo from the audience. It didn't bother him anymore. He was only the opener for some local band. He put his guitar in his case, and made his way to the bar. He sat Dan and ordered a beer. Dan sighed as someone sat next to him. Someone with icy blue eyes and jet black hair. Before ordering a drink, he smiled. "Hello." Dan looked at him. He was talking to Dan. Dan was slightly frightened by the man's sight. He was dressed in a leather jacket and black shirt, tight black jeans and black boots. Dan on the other hand, was wearing baby blue skinny jeans, a pink pastel sweater and nude pink converse. The boy probably came to call him a faggot and kick him out of his girlfriend's seat. "I loved your act. You are an amazing singer." Dan felt himself blush. "Thank you. Music means a lot to me." The other smiled. "Me too. What kind of music do you like?" Dan thought for a moment. His music taste was nothing like the clothing he wore. "I like alternative. Muse, panic!, fall out boy, my chemical romance. Stuff like that." The other boy laughed. "Same!" Dan bit the inside of his cheek. "No one has agreed with me. They always say "oh, you like them?" The boy checked out Dan, which made him mentally high-five himself. "Aw. I think it's about personality. Most people think I'm a metal loving asshole. But,  I'm Phil." Dan smiled. "I'm Dan." Phil giggled. "I'm gonna call you brown eyes." Someone came up behind Dan and tapped his back. "Hey, no fags here. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave, princess." Dan sighed and started to stand up, but Phil turned around. The expression on the man's face changed. "Oh, hello Mr. Lester. Do you know this um, gay-, i mean, person?" Phil smiled. "Well, in fact I do. So I would blast Oli, unless you wanted to get fired. But we're gonna go to somewhere everyone is allowed, you asshole." Phil grabbed Dan's arm and dragged him out the door. "Who was that?" Dan asked as Phil rolled his eyes. "Some bum my dad knows." Dan looked at Phil, confused. "Your dad owns that pub?" Phil sighed. "Sadly. He's a fucking bastard. He doesn't even love me, only my mom did. One night when I was drunk, I told him I was gay. Then he banned them from that shithole. He just uses me for my music." The two walked down the street, heading to the pier at the end of the strip. "What do you play?" He shrugged. "Just electric, acoustic, bass, drums, and piano." Dan laughed. "Just? I struggle with acoustic." Phil grabbed Dan's hand. "Didn't look like it on stage." Dan could hardly hear him over the small panic attack he was having. A stranger, oh god, was holding his hand. "Are you in band?" Dan asked. "Yep. The black delilahs. We do a lot of rock. Or did." That name sort of rang a bell in Dan's head. Dan looked at Phil, confused. "I love your little confusion face. It's cute." Dan blushed. "Well, I used to be in a band with my ex. He cheated on me with the fucking drummer! Can you believe that, man?" Dan shrugged. "Are you dating anyone?" Dan nodded. "No. I used to be abused. I haven't been in a relationship for a year now." Phil pouted. "I'm sorry. I wish I could meet this asshole and beat the shit out of him." Dan sadly laughed. "You probably could." They reached the end of the pier and leaned on the edge on the wood stilts that rose above the ocean. Phil pulled his hand away from Dan and reached in one of the leather jacket's pockets. He pulled out a box of cigarettes and shoved one in his mouth. "You smoke?" Dan asked as Phil huffed out smoke. "Most people smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die." Dan bit his lip. "That's a good song lyric." He pulled out the pad of paper in his pocket and scribbled it down. "Do you write music?" Phil asked as Dan sighed. "I try so fucking hard to do it. But, I just can't ever find the right tone." Phil threw his cigarette into the ocean. "That sucks. I wrote a song once. It's pretty big online." He pulled out his phone. A familiar tone started to play. "No way. You sang and wrote lovely!" Phil turned a light shade of pink. "I wrote it. Tyler sang it. I think he and that damn drummer may be a band now. But who's ever heard of a band with two fucking people? Insane." Dan stared at the water. He felt his heart flutter when Phil came near. Was he falling for him? He let out a shiver and Phil looked at him. "Are you cold?" Dan shrugged. "Kind of." Phil took off his jacket and put it on Dan's shoulders. Dan's guitar was leaning against the wood, and Phil looked down at it. "So, do you have any originals?" Dan lifted his head from staring at the water and connected to Phil's crystal blue, ocean eyes. "I have one but it's kinda bad. I wrote it after I broke up with.. never mind. I guess I'll play it." Dan took out the guitar and stared to strum. "It's actually meant for piano, so it might be bad." Phil giggled. "Just sing, brown eyes." Dan sighed and began his song.

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