you are my remedy

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smol thing I wrote on my fan account @/regionalatphxn:) it got some good attention so it's gonna be on here
plot- dan wakes up with a pimple and is scared what phil will think.

Baking Soda.
All of these remedies and dan just rolled his eyes. What was he going to do? Maybe it was a dream. Maybe this wasn't real. He traced his finger over his forehead and felt nothing. He smiled, and pulled out his phone camera. He moved his fringe momentarily, before seeing a bright red pimple staring back at him. Dan felt a wave of anxiety wave over him. Phil. He silently sucked in a breath. What was he going to think? It makes dan ugly, another flaw to add to his millions of others. He heard a knock on the door. "Dan?" His heart fluttered and he laid back down in the bed. "P-Phil?" He didn't mean for his voice to crack, and now he was going to sound suspicious. "Hey, I'm making breakfast and- why is your door locked?" Dan's heart sped up faster. "I, uh, don't feel to well." He could feel that phil was pouting. "Aw, babe. Do you want cuddles?" Dan abruptly cut him off. "No. I want to be alone." He instantly regretted saying those six words. "Oh. Alright. Just tell me if you need me. I'm in the lounge." Dan felt a tear roll down his cheek. "M'kay." His voice was weak, muffled. Why was he acting like this? Like a bloody child? It's just a zit. But that's what he thought when he 13. That's what he though.
12 years ago: dan hated his face. Red dots lined across his forehead, small bumps on his cheeks where freckles should be instead. He could fake sick again, but he was already on his way to school. He could ditch, but he wanted to keep to good record. He felt a tap on his back, slowly turning into a slam to the ground. "Look who it is?" A cocky voice snarled. "Zitface Howell!" Dan rolled his eyes. "Leave me alone, Evan." The boy grabbed his bag and dumped everything out. "Why, gaylord? You gonna cry to your mommy? Or maybe your dermatologist?" Dan felt tears fill his eyes. "N-no." Evan laughed. "Aw, now you're gonna cry fag? Kill yourself." He pushed dan back to the ground. Dan turned around and ran. But you can't run away from your own face.
dan felt the hot tears roll down his face. He couldn't lose phil. He needed phil. Dan let out a loud sob that shook his body, and that means phil probably heard it. He could hear his footsteps, and dan's heart began to race. "Dan! What's wrong?" Silence. "Dan, fucking hell. Let me in before I slam down the bloody door." Dan couldn't leave the bed even if he tried. He physically and mentally couldn't. He heard phil jump and the door slammed in. "Bear! What's wrong? Why are crying?" Sobs. Phil ran over and wrapped his arms around the younger. "Aw, you are shaking." Dan bit his lip and murmured "I'm sorry for earlier." Phil kissed his forehead. "Its okay. I'm not mad. I just wanna know what happened. Who hurt you? Because I will gladly fucking kill them-" Dan cut phil off. "It's myself. I hate myself and everything about it." He let out more sobs into Phil's, now tear stained, shirt. "Aw, bear, don't say that. You are so beautiful, yet so unaware of it. I love you so much, Daniel James Howell." Dan sadly smiled. "Even with this?" Dan moved his fringe with his fingers and laughed. "Of course! Wait, I'll be right back!" Phil ran off to his room, returning to dan instantly. He put a white cream on his finger and rubbed it on Dan's partially clear forehead. "Hey, acne happens. I get them too, don't worry. It'll be gone by tomorrow." Dan bit his lip. "P-promise?" He asked, holding out his pinkie. Phil smiled to himself and looked at dan, who looked like a child in his lap. "Promise." They latched pinkies and Phil kissed the top of Dan's head again. "Now how about we get some breakfast and have a lazy day?" Dan smiled. "I would love that." The younger boy smiled to himself, thinking that phil will always love him, clear skinned or zit faced.

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