when the day met the night

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another one yay.

prompt: Pastel! Dan and Punk! Phil are at the same panic! at the disco concert and they suddenly run into each other during this song. They feel like it has a meaning. Like they are meant to be. 

Triggers: Ex relationships, slight bullying, remind of abuse (not long), pre-panic attack 


Dan stood alone in the full arena. Millions of people gathered together, after slow songs some couples would lightly peck each others lips and glare into each eyes. He couldn't help but glare. Dan would die for that. Someone to love. His boyfriend of 3 years dumped him a month ago, and left the 18 year old lost. Nine in the Afternoon cued, and Dan rustled his flower crown and lightly tugged at the bottom of his jumper. He was annoyed by the happy beat of the song and the happy couples smiling and swaying together. He looked at Brendon momentarily, before storming out of his seats. Marcus was supposed to be here with him tonight. But instead, he was alone. His fingers laced over the bruises on his arms. The seats were amazing. He was supposed to be having fun, not sulking over his ex. He walked until he reached the carts that had reasonably priced alcohol, and stood in the semi-long line with his arms crossed, I.D in hand. He got  a beer, and that's where he was gonna stop. He was his own ride. As he was walking off, he heard the change of music. His favorite song was playing. When the day met the night. He must have dozed off, entranced by the music, as he slammed into another person. Even though Dan walked into him, the 5'7 boy ended up taking the fall and was covered in liquor. "I'm s-so sorry! I wasn't paying a-ttention and-" Dan babbled looking at the floor. He was quite scared as the man towering him, as by the glimpse he took of him, he was covered in tattoo's and piercings. Dan looked up and locked eyes with the raven haired boy with sparkling blue eyes. "Hey, it's okay. Calm down. It's a beautiful song, right?" Dan was speechless. "Yes." The man smiled and reached out his hand to help Dan up. "I'm Phil." Dan returned the favor and regained his balance. "I'm Dan." He pulled his sweater and ruffled his hair to fix his flower crown. "I like your crown." Phil spoke with a smile. Dan felt his face flush. "Thank you. I like your um, nose piercing." Phil  smiled again, lovingly looking at the brunette. "Aw, you are too cute. So, I have seats in the pit. Wanna come? The person who I invited couldn't make it." Dan nodded, and Phil reached his hand out. Dan took it, and Phil dragged his down isles of steps. When they reached the steps to their section, a man looked at Dan and laughed. "Sorry, no nine year olds up here, bud." Dan bit his lip. Once again, he felt worthless. He tried to unleash himself from Phil's grip, but he was holding on tighter. "I don't know who you fucking think you are, but if you ever talk to him like that again, I will beat the actual shit out of you. Got it, "bud'?" The man laughed. "Aw. Are scared he's gonna wrinkle his flower crown?" Phil unleashed from Dan, lifted his fist, and slammed it into the man's face. People stared, but Phil just grabbed Dan. People moved out of the duo's way. By the time "Build God and We'll Talk" finished, Dan was inches away from Brendon Urie, his current lord and savior. "The seats are amazing! Thanks for taking me up here!" Phil smiled. "Anything." Dan noticed something. His hand was still locked with the other's. "Do you want to sit on my shoulders? No one matters tonight beside us." Dan nodded and climbed onto the taller boy's shoulders. Mad As Rabbits cued, and it felt no one was there beside he and Phil. Then he felt it go silent. Not really though, just for Dan. He heard the riffs fill the room. It was northern downpour. This was he and Marcus's song. He remembered the night he first heard it. The words of Marcus replayed in his head. "This is our song. Forever." Forever. He felt his body shake. Phil looked up at him. "Dan? Why are you shaking? Are you cold?" He was silent, breaths shallow. "I n-need to get down. Please." Phil lowered him and looked Dan in the eyes. "Are you sick? What's wrong?" Dan was shaken up pretty hard from his past relationship. He wanted to leave it, but was instantly sucked back in. "I-it's just my past p-partner, he said this w-was our song a-and-" Dan felt tears roll down his cheeks. He felt like a child, crying into this person he just met chest. "Hey, it's gonna be okay. We can leave if you want, it's almost over anyways. We can go back to my place and hang out." Dan nodded, and Phil led him out of the crowds of people. He felt safe with Phil. He felt warm. "Thank you, for tonight." Dan said with a small smile as they walked out of the crowded arena and Phil laughed. "It's not over yet."

And to them, that night lasted forever.

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