syrup is still syrup

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(didn't know a picture for this one so here's something cute my friend took of me)

prompt- dan is under the weather and phil cooks him a nice breakfast, and dan messes up.
triggers- nothing but fluffy as fuck

"dan. dan. danny. danny boy!" dan carefully opened one of his eyes. the sunlight only made his headache worst. "what do you want?" he groaned, closing his eyes again. "i made you breakfast. you didn't look too good this morning." dan reopened his brown eyes, giving phil a confused look. "i was up before now?" phil nodded. "yeah, at around 6:30. i heard you crying, so i shook you lightly and you woke up. you were pretty pissed off, but in tears. you said your throat hurt and you had a headache, so i gave you cough syrup and you fell back asleep. i didn't. i was too worried. i just kinda played with hair until like 9." dan rubbed his eyes. "what time is it now?" he asked, voice raspy. "11. but i made your favorite, pancakes. are you hungry?" dan nodded. "a little." phil smiled. "that's good. do you need help getting up?" dan shook his head. "i'm not that ill. this is probably just a small head cold. i'll feel fine by like, tomorrow." dan got out of the bed, his headache growing by the second. he nearly fell the floor, but phil caught the lanky boy. "sucks being tall, huh?" dan rolled his eyes. "fuck off." they walked to the lounge, connected to the hip. "hey, i'm like the same height as you." dan giggled. "i'm still taller." he stuck his tongue out at phil. "seems like you're feeling better." dan sighed. "maybe, i just feel tired and my head hurts." phil sat dan down on the couch. dan wrapped himself in the warm, soft blanket phil had thought for him, as phil paused for a moment. "you still sound congested and your voice is raspy. i'll get your pancakes and more cough syrup. okay, love?" dan nodded and grabbed the tv remote. he perused through the channels, and ended up just turning on spirited away for the probably thousandth time. phil came in with two bottles as a plate of pancakes for the boy. all of the sudden, dan was hit with a wave of fatigue. he looked at phil, who was looking around panicked. "i lost the measuring cup, dammit. i'll be back, danny. here, eat." phil place the hot food in front of him, as dan just fretfully nodded. he felt like he was gonna pass out. maybe he was just hungry. he thought, grabbing the bottle of maple syrup and putting it on the pancakes. it had a strong smell, but dan was too tired to notice. he grabbed the fork and picked at the syrup covered item. "did you really just put cough syrup on your pancakes?" dan looked up again. "no." his view glanced to the bottle. the red letters read "cough syrup" on the bottle. "oh my god." phil laughed. "aw. i can make you more." dan shook his head. "not hungry anymore. just sleepy." phil mentally awed and sat on the couch next to the boy. "cuddle me." dan wrapped his arms around phil, as he began to hear the younger boy's breaths soften. "goodnight philly." phil kissed the top of his head. "it's 11:30 a.m, but goodnight, danny."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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