three cute short christmas stories

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merry christmas, almost. happy holidays! it's really late and i have school tomorrow and i regret nothing -sofia (regionalatphxn on instagram)

prompt 1: dan and phil are setting up for christmas but phil gets stuck in the tree fixing the lights, and dan sits and laughs his ass off. 

prompt 2: dan is slowly singing silent night, while phil quietly listens to him sing.

prompt 3- dan and phil are setting up for christmas and the christmas song comes on and phil grabs dan's waist and dances with him.

triggers- none.


one- "Dan, I think I broke it!" Dan walked into the lounge of their new flat. "It's a real tree, you spoon. You can't break it. I'm so happy we could get a real tree this year since this building lets us." Phil nodded, looking confused. "Yep. Happy I got up it in time. Get me a chair so I can string these lights on it." Dan went into the kitchen and quickly returned. They both looked at the tree. "How are you gonna do it?" Dan asked as Phil sighed. "I don't know, but i'll make it work." Dan laughed as Phil stood on the chair. "I'm gonna make some hot chocolate. Good luck." Dan said, descending back into the kitchen. "You aren't gonna help, howell?" Phil asked as Dan rolled his eyes. "You know what, my back hurts, ow." He whined, before continuing to the kitchen. "I hate you." Dan put on the kettle and went to the cabinet to receive the packets of cocoa. Minutes passed, until Phil yelled from the other room. "Hey, Dan? Can you come here?" Dan laughed. "Is it an emergency?" Silence. "Uh, sort of?" "Can it wait?" More silence. "I guess?" Dan poured the hot chocolate in two mugs, the daddy and shibe mugs to be exact, and dropped some marshmallows in. "Hey, what did you need me for-" Dan looked up to see Phil stuck in the tree. "Oh my god." He set the mugs down and pulled out his phone. "Dan! Wanna, I don't know, help me?" Dan laughed, feeling like he was gonna be sick with laughter. "Nope, but this is going on twitter!" Dan took pictures of Phil as he tried to escape the traps of the green beast. Dan thought this was currently the funniest thing in the world. "I hate you, howell."

two- "I'm gonna head to bed." Dan mumbled, shutting the lid of his laptop. "It's not even midnight, you never sleep this early. What's wrong?" He shrugged. "Tired. See you in the morning. Goodnight." Dan waved and Phil responded with a simple "goodnight." The house was quiet for a while until Phil heard a light c chord. He decided to lock up the house, and then walked down the small hallway. He heard a familiar song and creepily leaned against Dan's door. He was playing the piano to silent night. Phil heard him begin to sing it's soft melody. He was amazing. Dan is usually very short about his piano playing and singing, but Phil had always known how good he was. He leaned and sat at the bottom of dan's door, falling asleep to his soft playing. ~~~ "phil, why are you sleeping on my floor?" (this was short and bad soz)

three- "dude, i fucking love christmas." dan laughed, taking another sip of his wine. Both boys were slightly intoxicated, but it's not like any difference was made. They were streaming lights around their flat, singing along to christmas lights. at 2:30 in the morning. "Oh my god same." Over the speakers, a slow song rose across the flat. "Danny, come dance with me please." Phil grabbed his waist as Dan wrapped his arms around phil's neck. 

"Chestnuts roasting on an open fire
Jack Frost nipping at your nose
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
And folks dressed up like Eskimos"

"You know, maybe we should make this a tradition." Dan mumbled into Phil's neck. "Dancing to christmas music at 2:30 in the morning." Phil laughed. "We should." 

"And so, I'm offering this simple phrase
To kids from one to ninety-two
Although it's been said many times, many ways
Merry Christmas to you."

"Merry Christmas, Phil." Dan whispered, kissing Phil's neck. "I love you."

these are so bad bye

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