broken. (part 1?)

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hey so this is a demo I wrote and please comment if you would like me to continue it or not :)
plot- hard to explain, just 2009 phan and jealous Charlie skies.
triggers- self harm, jealousy, but it's fluffy don't worry.
{NOTICE: I don't hate Charlie skies, just needed a character. let's begin)

Charlie's p.o.v
It's been 3 months since Phil met that Dan boy. He kicked me to the curb for him. I lost my best friend, my boyfriend, to some boy who stalked him online. I took my phone and read some on the tweets they've tweeted.
"Amazing Phil: I love the dinosaur guy."
"Danisnotonfire: uma Thurman just watched me have sex."
"Amazing Phil: @danisnotonfire I think I love you."
I threw my phone at the wall. He shouldn't be loving him. he should be loving me. I was gonna kill that Dan boy. Make Phil mine. Just mine. I raced over to get my phone again, and saw Dan had just tweeted. "Danisnotonfire: going to town w/ @amazingphil today :D" The it hit me. I was gonna find them; and I wasn't gonna be happy.
I looked at all the shops, scanning for two guys with fringes. All I knew about Dan was he was 18, and Phil had described him to me as "amazing brown hair and beautiful brown eyes." That was the last conversation Phil and I had. I started to yell at him, and then he stopped answering my calls and texts. Then I saw him. Phil, holding hands with a boy a bit younger than him. "Phil!" I screamed, and he looked over at me. "Charlie?" He began to walk over to me as Dan kinda just looked confused. "How do you know we were here?" I saw Dan look at the floor. "Well, your pretty little boyfriend tweeted about your date." Dan flushed red. "Phil, I'm sorry I didn't know anyone would come and find us." He looked he was gonna cry. "Danny, it's okay. Neither did I." I smiled. "Did you guys eat yet?" They both shook their heads. "Let's go to lunch. All 3 of us." Phil looked at me, confused. "Alright." We started to walk off and I heard Dan whisper to Phil. "Who's that?" Phil just rolled his eyes. "Just an old, uh, friend. If he says anything bad to you, just tell me. Okay?" I saw Dan nod, and Phil smiled at him. They linked hands again, and I wanted to vomit. There was this little pub on the corner, so I just recommended there. They agreed, Dan's cheeks still a rosy red. It was obvious that he hates me. Already. It was empty, so we immediately got a table. We ended up getting a booth near the window, and I saw Dan get in and Phil follow after him. There was something about Dan. He seemed emotionally broken. I sat across from Phil, and I saw him wrap his arm around Dan. "So, how's it been?" I asked as Phil shrugged. "Pretty good, actually. Dan and I are moving in with each other soon." I laughed. "Really? That's sounds... fun." Dan looked at Phil and smiled. "Yeah." His brown eyes lit up like fairy lights when he saw Phil. Phil didn't notice at first, but I saw Dan looking at Phil, practically drooling over him. Then Phil looked down at him, and Dan just blushed and turned his head to the ground. "So, Dan. How did you meet Phil?" He blushed red. "Well, I found him on youtube and saw we liked the same things, and then I um, started to talk to him. And now we're here." I laughed. "So, you stalked him until he loved you?" He shakily laughed. "I wouldn't say that." Phil tried to take Dan's jacket off and he hesitated. "I'm gonna run to the loo. Dan, just get me a coke. I'll be right back." Dan unlatched off Phil and he stood up. He turned the corner and I stared at Dan, who was fumbling with the table. "I hate you." I snarled. He looked up. "W-what?" He spoke, voice very light and broken. "You stole my boyfriend." He gave me a sad laugh. "I didn't steal anything from you. People move on, I guess." That's when I snapped. "Yeah but not to low life's like you! Look at yourself, Dan! You're ugly, stupid and not even a likable person!" I saw his lip quiver and Phil turned the corner. "I'm back. You guys getting along?" I saw Dan slowly nod his head. Phil looked concerned at Dan. "Dan, are you okay? You look like you're going to cry." Dan nodded and looked at the window. A waitress walked over and took our orders, and as soon as she left, Phil looked at me angrily. "What did you do to him?" It wasn't a question I kinda wanted to answer. "Nothing, Phil. I did nothing." Dan looked zoned out through the window. "He won't even look at me, so you must have done something evil." I laughed. "Dan, take your jacket off. It's really hot in here." He shook his head. "I'm okay. T-thanks." His voice fluttered on the last word. He must have been crying. I leaned over the table and began to grab the coat. "Charlie! What the hell are you doing?" Dan just tried to pull back  and I finally pulled the coat off. He was wearing a black short sleeved shirt. Up his eyes were lines of red scars, some looking newer than other. "Dan? You did this?" I saw him turn red then start the break down. "P-Phil I'm sorry. I know you don't want to be with me anymore. A fat, ugly, self-harming loser. Break up with me and go back to Charlie. He's here and he's the real one you love." I laughed. "Told you. Phil, he's a low life. A loser, come back to me. I can treat you right." He wouldn't even look at me, and just had his eyes on Dan. Phil picked up the boys wrist, and looked at the red marks on his arm. "When was the last time, Dan?" He shrugged. "A f-few days ago. When you went home. I, uh, um, missed you." I rolled my eyes. "What's your point here, Dan? Can't you cut a little deeper and just die?" Phil flashed me a look. He laid a kiss on Dan's wrist. "If you ever feel like this, please tell me okay? When were you planning to tell me?" Dan bit his lip. "Well, I wasn't. I thought we were just walking around so I forgot about my bracelets and a longer shirt. I didn't want to tell you because you would never date a cutter because look at you. You are literally one of the cutest people ever." He blushed really hard at the end, like he just dipped his face is red dye. "Do you want a hug?" He asked, as Dan solemnly agreed. He huddled into his chest, and Phil wrapped his arms around him. I felt the rage begin to rise inside me. "Phil! I thought you loved me!" I yelled, as he just rolled my eyes. "Let's go, Dan. Wanna get ice cream?" He nodded and before I knew it, he and Phil had left the booth, and possibly the restaurant. Why doesn't he love me? Why? I felt my lip quiver. He broke my heart, but I couldn't show him that I was crying. This was going to the next level.

should I continue? -søfia

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