Gravity Rises

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Welcome To Gravity Rises! (except the town is still called Gravity Falls... Some people call the town Gravity Rises though, but that doesn't make sense to me... Start Reading!)

We open on a seen of a bus driving down an old dirt road in the middle of Origin on a lightly snowy day. Inside the bus among other people are two twin, Dipper and Mabel, who are going to visit their Great Uncle Stanford for winter break. Ford is a paranormal investigator who runs a small museum in the sleepy town of Gravity Falls, the Mystery Museum. This museum both displays and funds his research.

The twins haven't seen him in years and were both excited to finally visit him again. Mabel was excited because much like her great uncle, she was fascinated with the paranormal and was hoping to learn more about it while she was there. And Dipper was excited because... well it doesn't take much to excite him.

Mabel was reading a magazine a Ford had sent them. "I wonder if we'll find anything while we're there." She said smiling.

Dipper grinned looking up from his game, he had brought his hand-held system just in case he got bord, which he did on the long ride. "Yeah like another six legged frog like the one last time we were here. You spent the whole day trying to catch that thing convinced it was the Creature from the Black Lagoon."

"Hey, do I need to remind you who helped me to catch it that whole day?" She asked smirking at him.

"I was bored." He said looking back at his game. "But... it was still pretty fun." He said smiling. Dipper was never quite as into the paranormal as Mabel was, but he rarely passed up a chance to go 'monster hunting' with her. There was just something fun about looking for things that could be coincided weird.

With that Mabel just rolled her eyes and picked up her magazine again. After awhile Mabel looked out the window to see the 'Welcome to Gravity Falls' sign. She smiled and nudged Dipper who was somewhat engulfed him his game. "Hey Dip, we're here!" She said as the bus pulled up to the stop. Dipper smiled and pushed himself off the seat and grabbing his stuff. "Come on Dipper." Mabel said waiting for him.

"I'm coming." He chuckled following her off the bus. The two watched the bus drive away. "So Grunkle Ford did say he'd meet us here right?" Dipper asked.

"Yes, I did." A familiar voice said behind them.

The twins turned around to see a smiling Ford standing by his car. "Grunkle Ford!" They both said running up to hug him.

Ford laughed and looked down at them. "Hey kids, good to see you. It's been far too long."

Mabel grinned and looked up at her Great Uncle. "How has your research been going Grunkle Ford? Have you found anything interesting?"

Ford chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Yes I have. And I'll be happy to tell you all about it." He said with a warm smile.

"That's great and all and I'm just as excited to hear All about your extensive research as well, but why we don't get to the museum first? I'm getting cold out here." Dipper said rubbing his arms.

"I told you to wear a coat." Mabel said. Dipper was only wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and shorts of all things. Mabel had the sense to dress a bit warmer with a light winter coat and jeans.

Dipper rolled his eyes. "Oh I'll be fine." He said before a cold wind blew though causing him to shudder.

Ford gave a faint chuckle and shook his head. "Alright you two, lets get going." He said gesturing to the car. The twins smiled at each other before getting inside the car followed by a chuckling Ford. With that he started the car and headed towards the museum. After a minute or so of driving Ford remembered to say something. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I have two employees that work with me at the shop. Soos, and Robbie. Robbie just works during the day but Soos actually lives with me there." He said.

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