Song of the Siren

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Alright, credit where credit is dew time. I got this idea from BrightnessWings19, and by 'got this idea' I mean I read her chapter list and saw 'Mabel VS Feminintiy' and thought 'What A Clever Idea'. I got an idea from the Name of a Chapter and asked her if I was aloud to use it, yup, I'm that paranoid of being labeled a plagiarist. Either way she said yes because she's Awesome!

I'd tell to go read her version of the story but odds are you already have. (But if you haven't you should really get on that.) Lets Begin!


Inside the Gravity Falls Diner Dipper Mabel and Stan eating their food, or at least trying to while Stan told jokes. "So I Says To The Guy, 'I'll Take Ten Of Them'!" He said getting both of the twins to laugh.

Dipper looked up and smiled. "Wow, what an incredibility funny end to a funny story. It would make absolutely no if you just heard that one line."

"I love long story jokes. There's so much build up." Mabel said.

Stan looked at them and smiled. "Frankly I prefer meta jokes, but long story jokes are pretty good too." He said.

Mabel smiled at him then looked around. "You guys think we should go back to the museum soon?" She asked.

"Nah, I doubt old Fordsy needs us right now. The store has been slow ever since that singer women came to town."

"Singer Women?" Mabel asked quietly.

"Angelica!" A man yells from another both, this caused Mabel to jump. She had somewhat expected an answer, but not from a stranger, and not so loud.

"Who's Angelica?" Dipper asked.

"The Greatest Singer." Said one man.

"An Inspiration To Society." Said another.

"She's beautiful." Said one more.

Stan leaned back and rubbed his chair and rubbed his chin. "Hmm, really? I might have to go see this, Inspiration to society." He said with a slight grin.

Mabel looked down and rubbed her arm before feeling Dipper nudge her. "We can't take Mabel though, she'd be jealous." He said with a grin.

Mabel pushed him lightly with a slight smirk. "Oh shut up, I would not."

Dipper grinned and poked at her. "Oh yeah you totally would, Your Always jealous about how other people look. You just never say it."

Mabel was quiet for a second, she hadn't expected him to say that, but a moment later she rolled her eye and sat back. "Oh shut up." She said somewhat having force a smile. She knew he didn't mean it as an insult, all the more reason not to let him see that it hurt her alittle.

The waitress walked up to the table. "Here's your bill sir have a good day." She said walking away.

Stan looked at the bill and rubbed the back of his head. "Ohh, maybe I shouldn't of ordered the triple bacon omelet with fifteen slices of bacon." Stan looked at it for a second before taking out a piece of paper and writing something on it and getting up. "Come on kids, Quickly Now." He said as they walked out.

The waitress walked back over to their table and picked up the paper. 'I.O.U'. She looked out the window and glared.

"Was that legal?" Dipper asked as they walked to the car.

"Define legal." Stan responded.

Mabel walked with them, being fairly quiet before seeing a flier adverting that Angelica was in town, apparently there was a small show starting soon. "Hey uhh, you two can go back to the Museum. I think I'm going to go see this show." She said picking up the flier.

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