The Crystal

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The picture will make sense in a second, just wait. 

Alola! ...Alright I'm not gonna act like I didn't disappear off the face of Wattpad for awhile there. It's usually takes me alittle over a month to pump out a chapter and now it's been like three, not to mention I haven't really been commenting on stuff or other people's stories. The worst part is I don't even have a good excuse. I don't have school work and my job barely interferes with my schedule. So I'm just gonna say it, I was binging Pokemon Moon alright? But now that I've completed my trials and defeated the Elite Four I can focus on writing again. I'll make it up to you guys, I promise.


Dipper and Mabel were leading Ford out to that old shack they had found a few days ago. "It's shouldn't be much further." Mabel said as they walked though the snow.

Ford kept up with them and pushed a few tree branches out of his way, they were deeper in the forest than he had expected. "This is pretty far out kids. How'd you even find this place to begin with?" He asked.

"Waddles Led Us Out Here." Dipper said with a grin.

"Waddles, really?" Ford said looking down at the pig who in turn looked back at him and snorted. Waddles was wearing thick red and black sweater made by Dipper himself that read 'Some Pig' on the back. It was a good decision seeing as how it gets very cold and Waddles lacks any form of hair or fur to keep him warm during these outdoor adventurers.

"Yeah actually." Mabel started. "Waddles ran off and we had to chase after him. When we found him he was just sitting in front of the shack."

Ford still looked at Waddles for a second, as if pondering something for a moment. "Very interesting." Not much longer they happened upon the small shack, the door swung back and forth with a winding squeak each time. Ford grabbed the door and pushed it open. "Geez, the door looks like it's about to fall off it's hinges." He said walking inside the shack.

Mabel smiled faintly and rubbed her arm. "Yeah, Dipper broke the door trying to get us inside." She said glancing at her brother.

Dipper grinned and walked past her. "Yeah I Did!"

Ford chuckled at them and walked around the room, being drawn to a small work station with a couple shelves above it. The shelves were lined with dusty bottles and jars containing both powders and liquids. The work space had a several rusted knives of varies sizes and uses, the equivalent of a small rolling pin and a muddling stick sat next to a brass cup. Off to the side of the work station there was a pot suspended above what Ford could only assume was a fire pit. He gave a faint smile and dusted off some of the equipment and picked up the muddling sick and cup. "It seems the owner of this establishment was an Alchemist in their time."

Dipper rubbed his head and looked down slightly. He didn't know what an alchemist was. Mabel glanced at him, picking up on his confusion. "An alchemist is someone who breaks down materials and makes things like potions." She somewhat whispered.

"Oh right right." He said quietly.

Ford paid little mind of this and walked over to the old desk and fining a set of old notes in one of the drawer. "Hmm, is this what you were talking about Mabel?" He asked as he scanned though the notes.

Mabel nodded. "Yeah it talks about the moon and the gravitational pull."

Ford read through the notes, being quiet for a minute before grinning. "Interesting, this seems to about the processes of opening portals to other dimensions through use gravitational forces." He said in a mater of fact tone.

The twins looked at each other before Mabel walked up to him. "Uhh, could you elaborate on that Grunkle Ford?" She asked sitting next to him.

Ford glanced at her and chuckled. "I sure can. All the paranormal beings in this town come from another dimension. The same dimension that my portal connects to, but I never told you how it works. See the portal manipulates gravity and pulls apart the... lets call them Dimensional Strings, which opens the portal. To put it simply this is a more primitive version of that, relying on the gravitational forces of the moon instead of using a device." Mabel seemed very interested but Dipper barely understood what Ford was saying. Ford looked through the notes abit more before tilting his head. "Hmm, it looks like the moon phase that they used for this was... the Warning Crescent phase." Their was a vague tone of worry in his voice.

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