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Well, with a title like that you Know only good things are yet to come. Let's Get Going!

Dipper was walking down the sidewalk with Waddles trotting next to him. Usually Mabel goes with him when he decides to head into town, but it's kinda hard to look for a Christmas present for a person if they're with you at the time. Yeah remember, this all takes place during Christmas break. Dipper sighed and rubbed his head. "I don't know what I'm gonna get for Mabel this year." Dipper usually was able to find a book Mabel would like, but Gravity Falls didn't have much in the way of book stores. "What do you think I should do Waddles?" Dipper asked looking down at the pig.

Waddles looked up at him and grunted before looking back down, contemplating it for a second. Suddenly looked up and squealed, jumping up on Dipper and making abit of a fuss.

"What is it buddy?" Dipper asked.

Waddles grunted again and lightly jabbed his hoof against Dipper's shirt a few times.

Dipper looked down at it. One of his newer 'home made' ones, it was blue with green sleeves and in the middle of his shirt was a Flying Saucier. It took Dipper a second to process what Waddles was trying say, but then he got it. "OH! Great Idea Waddles!" He said as he patted the pig on the head.

Waddles oinked happily and jumped back down, continuing to walk with Dipper. A cold wind blew though causing Dipper to shiver and rubbed his arm. "Lets get back to the museum. I'm freezing out here." 'Mabel's gonna kill me if she finds out I didn't wear a coat.' He though to himself.

A man in a heavy coat and hat was walking a good distance in front of them. He barely glanced back at Dipper and Waddles before shifting his gaze down the road. 'Not yet.'

Waddles looked at Dipper and grunted a few times. "I can't help it." Dipper started. "I never have to wear coat back home, it's just a force of habit." Suddenly the man in front of them slipped and fell on the ice. "Oh my gosh, hey are you alright?" Dipper asked rushing up to him, Waddles close behind.

The man grunted in pain and tried to push himself up. "I think so, but... could you help me up please?" He asked.

Dipper nodded. "Yeah sure no problem." Dipper didn't notice the van driving down the road towards them. And even if he had, he probably would have just assumed it was another car that was going to pass him like the dozens of others that had before.

The man placed his hand on Dipper's shoulder as if trying to steady himself, but kept a close eye on the van. Just as the van came to an abrupt stop the man's grip tightened his grip on Dipper's shoulder and pushed him down. Before Dipper could even react the man pressed a rag to his face, knocking him out almost instantly. Waddles let out a loud squeal and charged at the man before being kicked sharply in the side, knocking him to the ground. The man walked up to Waddles and looked down at him. "I suggest if you want to see the kid again, you take this to your little friends." He dropped a folded up paper note by the small pig before turning away. He picked up Dipper and placed him in the back of the van.

Waddles grunted and stood up looking at the van as it sped away before looking down at the note. He stared at it for a few seconds, the realization of what that note probably said began to sink in. Waddles picked up the note and ran to the museum.


Robbie was sitting at the cash register when he heard something pushing and scratching at the door. "Alright I'm coming." He said as he got up and opened the door before Waddles ran inside. "Waddles?" Robbie looked outside then looked back at the pig. 'Where's Dipper?' He thought to himself.

Ford was in the middle of taking a group of people on a tore though the museum. "I found these set of foot prints along the mountain path, they led up to a cave and-" Ford was cut off when Waddles ran though the group, squealing as he jumped up on him. He looked down at him. "Waddles, what's gotten into you?" He looked back at the people. "I'm sorry about this folks, he's usually not-" Ford saw the note and grabbed it he went quiet.

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