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Grunklenapped, a goofy title for arguably my most serious chapter yet. Seems about right, though it might just be because I can't resist a good pun. Alright Lets Get This Train A Rolling!

We open deep down in the bunker below town. Because your oh so competent author forgot to add this to the end of the last chapter, whoops.

Fiddleford was sitting in his room, seemingly in a trance. A group of his followers standing just outside the room, listening in. They all knew who he was talking to.

"...Are you sure? ...Of Course I Believe You Master! I just want to- ...Yes yes, I understand. So what do we do? ...But what about Gideon? ...Valid point. ...Yes Master, right away." The group outside of the room had never heard Fiddleford speak in a subservient manner. It was strange. "Come in." He called, finally coming out of his trance. They did so and walked in with out a word. Fiddleford looked down and folded his hands. "It has come to my attention the Gideon has betrayed our Order. The journal he has been told to guard with his life he not only gave away, but gave To Ford." He said with noticeable anger in his voice.

The group look at each other. "Should we go after him Sir?" One of them asked.

Fiddleford sighed and shook his head. "No, none of us stand a chance against him. Not right now anyway. As long as he has that amulet, he can take any of us." Again he was quiet. "...What we need to focus on is stopping Ford. He's not stupid. With the final journal it won't take long for him to open the portal, and he will do it, Soon. Usually I don't allow public attacks. But we don't have a choice this time."

"So do you want us to kill them Sir?" Said one of his followers.

"NO!" Fiddleford snapped, he then took a deep breath and sighed. "...If they are murdered in the museum there might- There WILL be an investigation. There will be state wide search and they will turn this town Upside Down to try and find out what happened." Fiddleford rubbed his head and looked down. "I can't risk that. Just knock them out and Bring Them Here. I don't care what happens or what they do, you do Not kill them unless you hear the order from me and Me Alone! Understand?" They all nodded. "Good, now go."


Ford yawned and groaned before looking around, he was still in the lab. 'I must of fallen asleep down here.' He thought to himself. He looked up at the count down and gave a faint smile. Not much longer now, he would Finally see his brother again by the end of the day. He would like to stay down here all day and watch the time tick away, but he had a store to open.

Ford walked upstairs and stretched his arms, he saw that his loyal staff had already started setting up and smiled. "Morning everyone." He said as he locked the lab door behind him.

"Morning mister Pines." Soos said looking up from his maintenance work.

Dipper looked up at smiled. "Hey Grunkle Ford, did ya fall asleep down there?" He asked.

Ford chuckled and walked towards them. "I guess I did."

"Did you get the portal to work?" Mabel asked.

Ford nodded. "Y-yeah... it will open by the end of the day." He answered with a smile. But as he walked a crossed the floor he noticed someone was missing, Again. He sighed. "Where is Robbie? We literally have to open in a few minutes and- You know what, I don't care. Mabel, you've worked the register before right?" He asked looking at her.

"Uhh yeah." Mabel said, she had to work the register multiple times whenever Robbie wanted to do... something else.

"Good." Ford started as he walked up to the front door. "Heck if this keeps up I might just wind up giving you his half paycheck seeing as how you do half his work." He said before unlocking the door.

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