Restless Spirit

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sorry if some parts of this chapter seem alittle rushed. But I had to get this out before I went on vacation. I'll go back and patch it up after wards. Lets Begin!

We open Not with the twins for once, but at the Northwest Mansion where Mister Northwest was talking to a construction worker. "You said you would be Done by now. First The Arcade And Now Your Baling Out On This Job?" He asked sternly.

"Well we would be done by now if it weren't for the ghost. It scared off half my workers and interferes with what few ones that still come. And I'm not forcing my workers into a dangerous job. Either fix the hazard or call a company that doesn't care about it's employees." He said walking away.

Mister Northwest grumbled and looked down. He was seriously considering to do the latter, but that wouldn't be easy around here. "Geez, how unprofessional. How are we gonna get this project done if they won't work?" He grumbled.

His wife looked up and walked over to him. "Dear, we are going to have to get rid of the ghost. But who are we going to call?"

With that Mister Northwest's eyes widen. "Of Course! Ghost Busters!" He yelled.

Gideon just looked at them and groaned. 'How are they this rich but still that stupid?' He thought walking up to them. "Hate to brake it to you Dad but Ghost Buster are just from a movie, they don't really exist. But I think I might know a way to fix this. Just let me go talk to someone." He said walking to the door.

Mister Northwest watched him and smiled. "Very good Gideon, I'm glad your taking this seriously." He said.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He started. "Be back in a bit." He said before putting on a jacket and opening the door.

"Have a good day Honey." His mother said.

"Thanks Mom." He said closing the door behind him. 'I could easily deal with that ghost on my own.' He thought looking down at his amulet. 'But... Old Fiddles wants me to get to know the twins. So lets see just how much that girl knows about ghosts.' He thought as he walked down to the Museum.


Back at the Museum it was fairly busy, Ford was showing people around back, Soos was upstairs fixing something and Robbie was busy trying to ignore customers.

Dipper was entertaining some customers with Waddles and Mabel, well she was answering a knock she just heard at the door. It was Gideon. "Hello Mabel." He said smiling smugly.

Mabel groaned. "What do you want Gideon?" She asked, tempted to just slam the door on him.

Gideon folded his arms and leaned against the frame. "Look, I need your help. My parents have a construction project going on a crossed town. But the workers are encountering a... dare I say supper natural complication. A spirit keeps attacking the sigh. And I've heard you know a lot about ghost. We could really use your help."

"And WHY would I help you and your family?" Mabel asked.

Gideon just smiled and looked down. "Don't think of it like helping us. Think of it as helping the innocent construction workers." Mabel looked at him with an unconvinced glare. Gideon sighed and looked away. "Alright fine, whatever." But then he looked back up and smirked. "You know, it would be a shame is this place had to close down." He said.

That got Mabel's attention. "Is that a threat?" She asked.

Gideon smiled. "No No!" He said in an innocent tone. "I'm just saying everyone in town really likes this place, it's a bit of a tourist attraction and if I'm correct, not only is this your great uncle's only source of income, but it also hold almost everything dear to him. Things he would have to sell if he was suddenly out of a job." He looked back at her. "It would be a Real shame if this place had to close down." He said a bit more sternly.

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