Attack of the Shadow Wraith

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Ha Ha! Second chapter I completely rewrote now. Attack of the Shadow Wraith was what got me into this and started me writing this story. So of course I had a soft spot for it, but being my literal second chapter that I wrote three years ago, it was definitely showing it's age, my writing stile a lot over the years. I wanted to do the tale of the Shadow Wraith right. So lets go. For those who remembered the original versions of the chapter, it's not Too different. It hits the same beats with a few changes here and there, nothing to big though, well... expect for one thing, but we'll talk about that later.

A snow storm had rolled into Gravity Falls early in the morning, the roads were pretty slick and the employees of the Mystery Museum were all stuck inside. Robbie was at the counter reading a magazine. "Face it Ford, no one's coming today. There's definitely no tourist driving here in a storm like this. And everyone in town is too busy shoving snow or playing in it."

Ford sighed and rubbed his head. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry about this, I thought the storm would die down later today and we'd get some business."

"Don't worry about about it mister Pines." Soos said with a smile.

"Does that mean we get the day off?" Dipper asked.

Ford walked to the front of the store and flipped the sign to 'Close' "Alright, you've all earned it. Robbie you can go home if you want."

"Naah." Robbie said with a shrug. "I'm not walking in that storm. I'll wait it out here."

"Fine, I have some work to do. If you need me for anything I'll be downstairs." He said leaving the room.

"Okay Grunkle Ford." Mabel said before sitting down on the chair.

Ford unlocked the door to the basement and headed down the rickety old steps leading to the lab. Large controls, lights and monitor filled the room with a large metal triangle with a hole in it at the center of it all. He took a deep breath and sat at the controls before taking out a set of notes that he copied from the third journal. "Alright, I got two out three parts to this thing. I can at least Try to get it working." He said starting up the machines.

Back upstairs Dipper looked around the room and smirked at Mabel reading Ford's journal on the chair. 'Does she never learn?' He thought to himself. "Hey Mabel!" He yelled with a grin as he jumped over the chair arm, nearly landing on top of her.

Mabel jumped alittle and looked at him. "Dipper! Seriously?!" She said with a small laugh.

Dipper grinned and ruffled her hair. "Wh'cha doing?" He asked.

Mabel smiled faintly and lightly pushed him. "I'm reading."

Dipper grinned nudged her arm. "That's booring. Come on lets go explore or something!"

Mabel looked down and rubbed her arm. "I don't know, it's pretty cold out Dip."

"So what? Come on, I bet there's some creatures in that journal that only come out during snow storms or something." Dipper said with a grin.

Mabel shrugged and and gave alittle nod. "Well, yeah. There's a few." She said quietly.

"Well Come On." Dipper said excitedly. "Who knows if there'll be another storm while we're here."

"Will you dress warmer?" She asked.

Dipper rolled his eyes but smiled. "Yes I will." He said with a chuckle.

"Alright." Mabel said getting up. "Lets go."

"Awesome! Soos, Robbie, me and Mabel are going for a walk!" Dipper called out as he went to go get his coat.

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