Lost in Time

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HEY anyone who's read this chapter before, remember THIS line? 'I feel the middle part could could use some work but I love the ending.' For those of you who don't know, that was a comment in my original author's note. Well... Guess What I Did?! I worked on the middle, now the time traveling scene is a more similar to how it was in Gravity Falls. When I first starting writing this I didn't have anything the past of the storys time line, and now I do. Sweat lord Arceus, that means I've edited and re-wrote every chapter in this story prier to chapter seven now. 


It was a slightly warmer day in Gravity Falls and most of the snow had melted, Ford was looking around outside before head back. "Oh boy. What a beautiful day, should be a nice day to go to the fair." He said sitting back in the shop.

"Oh yeah, I've been hearing about that around town." Mabel said looking out the window.

"Yeah, it's gonna be So cool dudes. There's gonna be rides and food and animals and Food!" Soos yelled.

Dipper smiled widely and jumped up. "That Sounds Awesome!" He said in his enthusiastic tone.

Robbie nodded. "Yeah, it should be pretty cool. You two coming?" He asked.

Dipper grinned at Mabel, hoping she knew the answer. Mabel chuckled a bit. "I don't see why not."

"Alright!" Dipper yelled in excitement as he jumped of the chair followed shortly by Mabel as they got ready to head to the fair.

They got to the fair latter that day, a few things were still being set up but for the most part it was open. Dipper laughed and ran ahead to look around. "Wow, look at all this stuff. Food venders, games that are impossible to win and a Dunce tank!" Dipper said looking around

Mabel quirked an eyebrow. "A dunce tank? Even if it's alittle warmer, is that really safe?" She asked looking up at Stanford.

"Probably not." He answered. "You wouldn't catch me dead in that thing, even if it was warm enough."

"Oh what a shame." A snarky voice came from behind making them turn. They saw a young white haired boy smirking at them. "You have NO idea how much I'd pay to knock you in the water Stanford." Dipper and Mabel immediately didn't like him.

Ford turned and grumbled. "I have a pretty good idea Gideon. Now if you don't mind-"

"Yeah yeah I'll leave you to your fun old man." He cut Ford off and started to walk but then noticed the twins. "...Dipper and Mabel right? Good to finally meet you. The names Gideon Northwest. You'd do well to remember that name." He said before walking off.

Dipper glared and watched him leave. "I don't like him." He said not caring if Gideon heard.

"Most people don't Dipper." Ford stated bluntly. "However he's the son of the richest person in town so they all act nice to him. But hey, don't let him ruin your time. We're suppose to be having fun right?" He said smiling.

"RIGHT!" They both answered excitedly.

Ford chuckled. "Alright, you two have fun. I'll meat up with you latter." He said before walking off.

After that they started walking around. So what do you wanna- Oh My Gosh A Pig!" Dipper yelled before running off.

Robbie walked over and chuckled as Dipper ran off. "Is he gonna be okay by himself?" He asked.

"Yeah, he should be fine as long as he knows were we're at." Mabel answered.

Robbie smiled and looked down at her. "Well then, you wanna hang out for a while here?" He asked.

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