Mortal Fite

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Alright alright, long wait with no explanation equals annoying. I'm sorry, fact is not only do I have less time now (I got a full time job.) but this chapter... what can I say, this chapter mainly consists of fight scenes and I'm not particularly good at those. But I have a soft spot for this idea, when I finally started to move away from just using the pictures for idea and doing my own thing, this was one of the first ideas I had (which is also why it barely connects to the plot). Okay so, long wait for arguably one of my lesser chapters, but hey, I already made it up to you. What do I mean by that? Go check out Attack of the Shadow Wraith when you're done with this.

The twins were hanging out at the arcade with Greyson and Cadbury. After everything that happened the past couple days, they needed a break. Dipper was playing 'Mortal Fite 2' and was on the last level fighting the final boss, Shong Tusung. Both down to their last life but Dipper's charter having a more health than his opponent as the others cheered him on.

"Ya Got This Dude He's Almost Dead!" Greyson yelled.

"It's so close! How'er you so good at this?" Cadbury asked.

Dipper grinned but kept his focus on the game. "Lots of practice." He said rapidly hitting the buttons.

Mabel smiled. "He plays this game all the time back home. I could never figure it out, or... I could never figure out the moves. Up Up Down Quarter-Circal-Back... Right... Blaa, I can never remembered. So I just spam punches, kicks and jumps."

Dipper glanced at her quickly before looking back at the screen. "You're good at the newer games."

Mabel chuckled at that. "I'm Okay at the newer games. I'm alot better at Bash Bros."

"Yeah you are." Dipper said with a laugh. He focused back on the game and delivered the finale blow to Shong Tusung.

"Destroy Them" Dipper smirked and put a code in, making his charter rip off the head of Shong. "Eviscerated" The game said.

Dipper laughed and jumped back. "Yes! I Got Him!" Dipper said excitedly.

"Way to go dude!" Greyson said.

Mabel smiled at them then glanced back at the game, noticing something. "Uh hey Dip, I think something is still going on with the game." She said.

"What?" Dipper asked walking back up to the arcade machine.

Indeed she was right, a text box had appeared on the screen. But this was alittle more than a 'Conglaturation'. 'Well done champion, you have made your ways though the ranks and defeated all who stood in your way. But there is one more trial you can take to truly prove your power and superiority over the land. Do you except the challenge?' Below the text were two options, Yes and No.

Mabel looked alittle confused. "I thought Shong Tusung was the finale boss in this game. Is there someone else?" She asked.

"Don't know." Cadbury started. "Never got this far in the game before."

"I bet it's a hard mode or something. Ya know, go back and fight all the guys again only now they're all Supper Tough." Dipper said.

"Oh that makes sense." Mabel said

"You gonna do it?" Greyson asked.

Dipper smiled and shrugged as he flipped over to the 'Yes' option "Yeah sounds fun." He said clicking the option.

"Very Well." That wasn't text, it was voice similar to the voice that starts every round in the game. Then a bright light shinned from the screen of the machine and before any of them could even react, they were somewhere else.

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