3. Calm After the Storm

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The police had bust into the house. The lights on top of the cars flashed. They were so pretty. There was blood all over the room they said. The family car hadn't been in the drive. The lights kept flashing even though everything else stood still. Mum and dad had shown up. They couldn't find Mike's mum. It's very warm. And dark. But those lights keep flashing red blue red blue red blue. Or maybe it's blue red blue red blue red. An ambulance had shown up. That's nice. The ambulances have lights too. There were lots of people around now. I wonder where Mike's mum went. All the people are deaf. They couldn't hear... The lights look purple if you go cross eyed. It's very warm. Did I already think that? I don't know. There's a stretcher coming out of the door now. I barely notice it. All I see is the figure stumbling out afterwards. A face filled with terrible sorrow. He looks so broken. Does he regret it? Does he? He's bleeding. The lights are still flashing red blue blue red red blue. They make his face look grotesque. He looks grotesque. There are so many people. They're all moving. I am standing. And Mike is ok.

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