30. Here Comes the Rain

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SO SORRY I'VE BEEN AWAY FOR SO LONG!! Hopefully this chapter is extra long to make up for it!

Slight twist here my lovelies, this chapter is NOT in Mel's POV. Just a heads up, ok? You'll see why!

PS- this chapter is dedicated to StarsDreamsHopes in an attempt to make her rant more on my story (Y) thank you soo much! :D


*Will's POV*

That asshole. I look down at the beautiful girl crying quietly on my shoulder, drowsiness seeping into her muscles. That asshole. It's hard not to find him and strangle him for what he's doing to Mel. Harder still, because I'm the guy that after all those years of being her crutch, after all those months of pulling her from that hole she'd dug herself into over him, that's finally getting his happy ending with her. Only to have him waltz back into our lives and destroy it all in one letter.

Goddamn letter! I sigh with frustration and clench my fists, there's not much else I can do now but hunker down with Mel and wait until that bastard leaves. The thought of him has my hackles up, the bullshit in that letter made me snap. I think back to a couple of days ago, smiling in content. I've done all I can do, from here I just play lookout and make sure he doesn't show up in our lives again, nor try to contact Mel again. She is off limits to him completely...


She freezes stiff as she reads through the contents of the letter, something's wrong, the gut intuition almost bowls me over because it radiates so strongly through my being. Whatever in that letter is not good. I want to go over and read the letter, but I don't want to crowd her.

"M." Her voice hardly above a whisper.

"Who?" I didn't catch the name.

"It, uh, it just says M so..." Her jilted shrug has alarm bells blaring loud enough to alert police all over the world.

"M for...?" I push, I need more information. M? That could be anyone... no. No it couldn't be.

"No clue." Is her feeble response, her face is a mask of indecision.

Crumpling the note in her hand she pounds her head gently, she does that when she has a headache. It's hard not to rush to her side, but she'd tell me right? If she needed help? 

"Uh, Will. I'm just gonna go for a walk. I need some, you know, fresh air. I'll be right back."

No. If it's who I think it is, that's not a good idea. She shouldn't be alone. No, no, no. I can't take it anymore, I stride over to where she stands, lifting her chin so that she has to look into my eyes. 

"Mel are you ok? You look upset. Tell me what's wrong."

"No, no I just need a minute. I'll be right back and I'll be back to normal, promise. I just need to clear my head."

"If you insist..."

"I do." 

"You can tell me, Mel."

"I know." She snaps softly, running her hand through her hair. Taking a breath she says again, "I'll be right back."

The urge to make her stay runs in my veins but who am I to stop her?

I'm her boyfriend. That's who. If I don't agree, I can try to make her stay. Not force her... tempt her, maybe? 

She leans in to kiss me goodbye so I take the opportunity to deepen the kiss, wanting her to relent, wanting to know she craves my kisses like I crave hers. Mel smiles but pulls away. Damn.

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