24. Smell the Roses

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When word got out about Carrie's leaving- which didn't take very long at all- the entire group was sufficiently shocked. Then when Will and Carrie started hooking up... shock doesn't even begin to cover it.

In fact there was so much shock in the group that when Nick and I broke up for good a few weeks after my birthday, no-one much noticed or cared. I have to admit, it's strange, because I'm not that upset about it either. I would be lying if I said it's no big deal, because it does suck, Nick and I had been close, heck I'd lost my virginity to him! But the heartbreak I feel about the breakup is more the heartbreak one gets when one loses something special to them, like a favourite doll, or a safety net. Nick had always been my safety net, and now he's off playing the bachelor game again.

The break up had been an awkward, mutual thing, neither or us really knowing what to say or do. After the break up what are you supposed to do on the date? Wait it out, knowing it's your last? Run off crying? Cut the date short there and then? Call me unconventional, but when Nick started saying the lines I finished them to show him we were on the same page. Then we continued with our date. We had fun. There was a freedom that came with being out with him but not being his. It felt strange, but good.

When I got home I admit I cried, the whole thing caught up to me and there was that initial moment of panic, of what-the-hell-do-I-do-without-him... but that passed quickly. It helped that no-one felt the need to exacerbate the problem, everyone was too busy talking about Will and Carrie.

In all honesty, I'm more upset about Will and Carrie. The more people talk about them, the more I think about them, the more it feels wrong to me. Which about catches you up to date. My birthday is in the past, my breakup is relatively distant (a week or so ago), and talk of Carrie leaving is still top priority. Just like Mike's leaving was such big news. No-one leaves this place, but if they do, no-one really comes back to visit. So Carrie leaving is more than just her leaving, it's saying goodbye to an integral part of our group, forever.

I can't put my finger on why her hooking with Will bugs me so much though. One thing a tiny bit positive out of all this is that I can finally turn around to Fran and Minka and Tess and Michelle and tell them he doesn't like me once and for all. But for some reason, that doesn't make me feel good at all, in fact, it makes me feel slightly... jealous? But that would be ridiculous. Why would I be jealous? I suppose I could say that I'm jealous because now all he does is hang out with Carrie and I miss the time we have together, but is that the real reason?

It scares me to think it's something deeper than that, so I refuse to go further with my questioning, and accept the inadequate reason I've come up with.

It's finally spring here, the weather is finally becoming more tepid and friendlier. The first cherry blossoms are forming on the tree, I don't go there very much and I still haven't shown anyone or told anyone about it. It's my space, even though I don't visit. 

My phone buzzes on my desk, surprising me a little. Picking it up I see a text from Will:

At park. Comin?

I consider for a moment. It's not like I have anything better to do, so I reply quickly:

Count me in

Grab my coat and walk into the main house.

"Ma? Dad?" I call out as I pick up a plum from the fruit basket.

"What is it hun?" Mum calls down.

"Can I go to the park please?"

"Have you done your chores?"

"Yeah!" I call, "Most of them" I add under my breath.

"Ok then! Be back before dinner ok? There's a surprise tonight!"

Behind the Cherry Tree, A Not-So-Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now