18. Unexpected Guests

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Dedicated to @JoshSlater because he just finished his FIRST AS EXAM!!! WHOOP!!! Good luck and keep up the hard work (lol we all know you don't revise)!!! But still, congrats! Not much left to go... and then there's next year (TEEHEE ON YOU!!!! I have exams next year only suckaaa ;) haha). BUT YEAH- well done and here's a dedication to make you smile :3


"Don't leave me here."

"I won't leave you here."

"Don't forget me."


"Don't go!"

"I'm not going anywhere. You are!" The sad lifeless tone replies.

"But I don't want to! Make me stay! Convince me to stay!"


"You're the only one I'd stay for!"

"Then why aren't you?"

"I'm so sorry."

"For what?"

"I should never have... Oh god forgive me!"

"For what?"

"You know what!"

"I do?"

"Yes, and I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot and I'm sorry."

"You're scaring me."

"You're the only one that can save me! Please forgive me for everything I've ever said, everything i've ever done to you that you didn't deserve!"

"Ok! Ok, I forgive you. I'm sorry too."

"You don't have to be..."

"Yes, I'm as guilty as you..."

"Oh no!"


"It's happening! Don't go! Don't let me leave!"

"What's happening! I don't want to leave you ever! Hold my hand!"

"It's too late!"


"You're leaving me!"

"I'm not! What's happening? Why can't you hold my hand!"

"You're waking up..." Says Mike.

My eyes bolt open. Shit. Another dream. Another stupid freaking dream. Where the hell am I? I try to recognise my surroundings without having to move my head. My mind feels cottony and it takes me a few minutes to realise I'm lying across a familiar couch, the T.V. a little way away, the screen showing static. It's like my brain function is being screened on the T.V.

"Will?" I croak out cautiously.

"Hmmm? Oh Mel! You're awake! One sec!" Come his comforting reply from somewhere behind me on the other side of the room.

"Uh huh." I mumble, lifting my head a little, scanning my make-shift bed. The silky pillow my head has been resting on has small wet patches. Shit, did I cry in my sleep? I flip the pillow over quickly and settle back just as Will appears over the back of the couch.

"Sleep well, Sleeping Beauty?"

"Did I snore?"

"A little."


"It's ok, I only recorded it and put it on Youtube."

"You did WHAT?" I half yell as I jerk to a sitting position. Will just starts pissing himself, I'm too disorientated to put together that he'd been joking.

Behind the Cherry Tree, A Not-So-Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now