5. Rebels

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At 8am I collapsed, exhaused, into my bed. I could sleep in for a few hours and then I'd drag my sorry ass over to Mike's and drop off the card.


Oh boy did those hours go fast. I sat dazedly on the end of my bed while Mike set up his stuff in the bathroom. Did I mention that I'd semi-rescued Mike?

I'd woken up barely after my head had hit the pillow and gone to see Mike. Will, thankfully, had opened the door to me. Anticipation had bubbled throughout my body and my nerves were on edge, I jumped at every noise and my eyes roamed cautiously behind every wall, as if in fear that someone was hiding there.

I'd promised myself I wouldn't cry, but the second I saw Mike my heart twanged once more. This time though, I didn't deny myself the feeling. I was in love with my best friend. He'd never love me back but that didn't matter. The black bruises around his eyes and cheeks, his split lip, his casts, it was all too much for me and I began to cry despite my smile.

Mike had smiled like crazy when I'd shown up in his doorway. He smiled like crazy when he opened my card. Then we all began talking, the truth came out. I told him I'd seen it all. He told me they were arguing because his dad had lost his job- again. I told him that I'd missed him. He told me that his mother was insufferable and that he missed hanging out at the tree. I knew how he felt.

Then (finally) he asked why I was crying. I didn't want to tell him the truth and give him more to worry about so I made up a shit excuse- "You're arm is in a cast, we can't play xbox, that's why I'm crying. It's out of pity that you can't practice your skills because heaven knows you needed to!"

We all laughed and bantered. But the oppresive mood couldn't be fended off for too long. This room, Mike's room, felt like a crime scene. He looked so uncomfortable here. Although I'd never been to Mike's before, the house seemed to sag under an invisible weight. So we began to plot. 

I'd thought we'd been joking until Will began to pack what Mike dictated.

The whole sneaking out the house despite his mother not being there felt surreal. I honestly thought we'd hit the tree and then Mike would be like PSYCH and go back home or to Will's or something. When we actually did hit the tree, then go past it, I said just that.

"Will's place is the first place the dragon would look silly! Come on Mel, I thought you were the smart one!" Mike had laughed back at me.

And now he's in my bathroom. He'll be staying here until he feels he can face his mother again. Hiding him from my own parents would be our first priority though. My family had a outside shed that I'd converted into my own room a few years back, so Mike wouldn't be directly in the house, but it was still going to be tight. Homeschooling didn't help much either, thank goodness I took my lessons in the living room in the main house!

Will had gone home, bunkering down before the hound of hell (a.k.a Mike's mother) showed up demanding where Mike was.

"Thanks again, Mel." Said Mike, breaking me out of my reverie.

"Any time, you're my bro are you not?"

Smile Mel, smile 'til it hurts then smile some more...

"True. But this is big, it's so exciting. It's like being on the run."

"Uhh, well techinically you are..."

"We could, like, stay up all night and watch horror films and gossip and, like, oh em geee!"

"Stop taking the piss Mike!" But I couldn't supress my smile. "This right here is serious! My parents will KILL me if they find you here!"

"Oh Mel, stop worring. You worry too much!"

Behind the Cherry Tree, A Not-So-Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now