20. All the Lonely People

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Dedicated to Ohsnapples28 for the awesome convo earlier! Need I say more? Haha


At the request of my one of my fans... I have edited this chapter a little (fleshed it out with more... gory details) so that I don't "let you guys down" too much ;)


"Then we just talked." I say, my high pitch giving myself away.

The girls don't buy it. Even with the dark obscuring their expressions I can see their faces just giving me that look. A girly giggle bubbles from my lips and I rub my neck tenderly, my skin still tingling, my heart still racing. Did any of that really happen?

"OH MY GOD, MEL! JUST TELL US!" Fran yells, "He's my goddamn cousin! I deserve to know the gory details so that I can tease you two mercilessly later!"

I fall backwards onto the mattress laughing, I've never felt so happy in my entire life!

"Okay!" I yell back. "Okay, okay I'll tell you!"

I stop to laugh some more, the memory of the last few hours still burns bright as the Sun in my mind. My mind still reeling. I brush my fingers over my lips, grinning.

"Okay." I say, quieter but still playful. "Phew! Where to start!?" 

"Uhhh, how about when you left us all hanging in the troupe chill zone?" Tess cries a little too loud.

I bite my lip to try and stop myself going all sighy and silly again. Oh god, how did this guy- in one night- reduce me to this?! At least I know for sure it's a one night thing. I'll probably never see Ed again and though it's a slightly saddening thought, it also spurred me on tremendously when it came to taking the plunge earlier...

"Okay." I say in a breathy sigh. Jeeeeez I have got to stop sighing! "Well, he took me out the beaded curtain and then..."

"You had sex!" Yells Minka, cutting me off and making my cheeks flame to life.

"God no! You little perve!" I smack her general direction with my pillow, earning a satisfying "oof" that indicates that I at least hit... someone.

"Do I even want to hear this story? He is my cousin..." Interjects Fran.

"Shut up all of you! I want to hear about Mel getting it on with Ed!" Carrie chasties them, turning Ed's name sing-songy and playfully mocking. I would stick out my tongue but there's not really any point.

A ripple of giggles soon turns silent. Damn, they really do want to hear about my little escapade.

"You're not going to let me skip any gory details, are you?" It's more a statement than a question. 

"Nope." They chorus back.

"Ugh! You guys suck!"

"No, I think that might have been you Mel, if ya know what I mean, nudge nudge wink wink!" Caws Tess mirthfully.

"Oh my god, you're so gross Tess, just because you hooked up with my cousin! Don't think for a second that we missed you're little... ehem.. romance, shall we say, tonight in the car..." I tease.

"I wouldn't call making out and groping each other as if their lives depended on it a 'little romance', it was more like a full on porno!" Carrie adds indignantly. We all laugh, I'm sure in the darkness Tess is just as embarrassed as I am, just as I'm certain she regrets none of it. Just like me.

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