14. Down Memory Lane

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For the first time in my life I think I'm avoiding Mike. Well, more specifically Lily, but seeing as they're conjoined at the mouth I don't bother differentiating anymore. I rest my head back against the familiar sun-warmed trunk of our cherry tree. Despite everything, I still considered it ours, our special place.

Autumn has fallen, the party was weeks ago. Nothing has really changed. Lily has become ruder and ruder to Mike, but he forgives her, so in public, they are the picture perfect couple with no problems. Before, at least, he used to stand up to her, but the amount of time between their fights and his forgiving her grew less and less until now he doesn't even respect himself enough to think he deserves more. I know. I've tried talking to him. Our friendship has become very strained, but I try my best not to linger on that. 

Will and I have moved past the kiss. We don't really talk about it, not that we're avoiding it, it just doesn't come up. At least he's still got my back, I don't even know where I stand with Mike. I sigh loudly and try to push the thoughts from my head. I don't want to think about that right now. I'm here to relax and soak up the sunshine.

The late noon sky is streaked brilliant oranges and pinks. This is contentment. My eyelids droop although I'm not tired, it's the Autumn laziness seeping into my core. A soft breeze ruffles the leaves that are falling around me, lifting my hair to tickle my face.

Carried, too, on the breeze is the sound of two voices. Two sets of feet shuffling through the leaves. Getting closer. I make my mind shut out the sound of crunching leaves, focus, relax. I suppose it could be said that what I'm trying to do right now it some form of meditation. Funny. I'm not cultured enough to meditate. All those people that meditate are like, enlightened or something... I'm just a teenager. Still, I can adjust it to suit me.


Push out the bad vibes. It's a nice afternoon. Feel the wind and warmth. Breathe in. Breathe out.

"You'll love this place." Says a guy, his tone is warm.

"Oh yeah?" Come a girl's reply.

"I go here when I just want to go away, get peace, just think."

"Sounds lovely." The girl's voice is smiling too. 

"Yeah, it is." Sighs the guy. "I found it when I was younger, well my friend and I found it really..."

"So you'll come to my uni? You'll apply?" Says the girl's voice, cutting him off completely.

"You're uni?" Laughs the guy.

"Yeah, you know, Juilliard's!"

"What? I thought we'd talked about this!" The guy's voice is a little strained, but he covers it well, I'm sure if I were to be watching his face I wouldn't be able to tell.

The girl just laughs, but it's not a nice laugh. In my opinion at least, because I've finally placed those voices. It's Mike and Lily. I have to consciously repress my urge to heave a loud "Oh for the love of god!" Why? Why are they here? Why now? I roll my eyes instead, my anger and frustration level shooting through the roof. Talk about a mood swing. My "zen" or whatever, is completely destroyed and in it's ashes has risen an ugly phoenix of rage. 

I try to convince myself to just breathe. I shouldn't be so irked by this. Really, it's no big deal, it's a small town, this is our nearest park. Chill. The hell. Out.

The dry twigs underfoot snap as they walk closer.

"But baby, it's my dream. You know that. Why are you being so selfish?" She whines. Oh god. Kill me now.

"Selfish? How is it selfish to let you persue your dream while I persue my own?"

"Because you'll leave me."

Behind the Cherry Tree, A Not-So-Short StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora