34. Epilogue

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Of course I couldn't leave you all yet!! Here's just the finishing touches, the conclusion of Mel's epic story- well thus far of course! Anybody want a sequel? ;) haha


"How?" I ask him.

"How what?" He replies to me innocently.

"Parents." It is all I can say, because here I am on a Sunday night having dinner, my parents opposite me, and at his house. Sunday dinner. Family dinner. We are at Mike's parent's house.

When I'd arrived his parents had pulled me into a bear hug and whispered in my ear that they were sorry for never really giving me a chance, but that they were happy that I'm now part of the family. Our parents had hugged or shaken hands and greeted each other warmly, no false pretense, no tension in the air, it makes me suspiscious that this isn't the first time they've had dinner together. What the hell had Mike done to pull this off?

"Mike! How did you do it?"

"I'll never tell." He smirks at me. I punch his arm and grin.

"You know what? I don't care. Thank you, thank you so much babe." I whisper in his ear.

"It's nothing, my wife." He kisses me and I feel giddy, butterflies fill my stomach and the glittery feeling descends over my body. "God I get a thrill saying that, my wife."

"I love hearing it. But we're not married yet." I mumble against his lips, teasing him.

"Come on guys! We're at dinner here!" Kay calls across the table.

"Get a room!" Michelle laughs.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention the rest of the group showed up too? A few updates for you: Kay and Fran got knocked up while I was away; Michelle and Dave got married the weekend I got back, their baby girl is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life, her name is Tallulah but I call her Tallulah Belle; Tess and Leo are happily married; Carrie got married overseas, she eloped and it was all very exciting; Minka is still single; and best of all Will and his new finacee Cassie are madly in love. I like Cassie, but seeing Will again made my heart leap. It had been a little awkward at first until I'd broken the ice and hugged him and told him that I'd forgiven and that he had a lovely fiancee.

And of course, Mike had worked magic to bring our families together after all those years of mutual hatred. 

"Bite me." Mike retorts, grinning.

Dinner is loud and cheerful, full of laughter and playful teasing. Then Michelle has to go check on her baby, I offer to join her and we head to where her darling near-one-year old is lying, sleeping, on the couch.

"If only she was always this peaceful." Michelle laughs softly.

"She's beautiful 'Chelle, really, congratulations I can't say it enough." I tell her, squeezing her hand.

She squeezes back and looks at me with wet shining eyes. "I'm so glad you're home babe! You have no idea how slow that year was without you!"

"Aw 'Chelle!" I say, emotion blocking my throat as I hug her tightly. "It's so good to be home, but I needed the break..."

"I know." She cuts me off. "You're so much more vibrant, not that you weren't before, but it's like you have a new breath of life in you. It's so good to see you like this! Due to get married! Do you think Will and Cass will beat you to it?" She giggles.

"Nah, my money is on Kay proposing before the end of summer." I whisper conspiratorially to her.

"But Will has already proposed?"

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