Coming Soon!

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Can't get enough of Mel?

Wonder where our girl got to in the year she went "missing"? Read on to find out!

Well I'm currently working on a SEQUEL! Well, to be honest it's more of a small spin off... but the more into I into it I get the longer it gets. Keep an eye out for:


Want to know more? Here's a teaser for you all:


"All aboard!" Comes the cry.

It's time! My heart skips a beat. This is it! 

My life has been crumbling out of control, barrelling head first into this moment right here, right now. I'm about to get on my first train ride. Nervous anticipation floods my body, I can feel the glittery feeling but it's not the same glittery feeling, this is more a WATCH OUT WORLD MEL IS COMING THROUGH fanfare type of glitter. Not at I at all am ready for this.

How long am I going?

As long as it takes for me to find myself again.

What I'm saying is that I could potentially never return to this spot right here ever again. I'm on the precipice of an adventure, a life changing event... and I want to curl up at home and cry.

I shouldn't be here! I should just go home! What's promising that this will be better than life here? Who's to say I won't get raped and beaten where I'm going? No-one. There's no guarantee. But that's the thrill. Come on, Mel! Live a little!

Taking a deep, fortifying breath, I lift my two case handles and put my best faux smile on. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. One step, two steps, keep going, three steps, almost there. Oh shit I can't do this!

Not with about an inch of make up caked on my face to hide the twin bruises on my face. Not the morning after it all happened. Not me. I am not a born traveller. I've never left this hick town and I never thought I ever would. Yet here I am!

This is your own idea, Mel! Stop chickening out! Get your ass on that damn train! You're going to see Ed again and you're going to like, no, love, it! Yeah. Ed. I smile past the tension in my cheeks. They're coming up beauties, but they've yet to fully... how would you say it... mature? In a day or two these bruises are going to be 5 shades of disgusting. I sigh.

"You coming on, ma'am?" The train conductor is giving me a funny look. He's trying figure out why I'm so anxious, why I won't get on the train. What if he thinks I have a bomb? That's what terrorists do, don't they? Shut up stupid brain! He doesn't think I'm a terrorist, does he? My breathing increases.

"I... I don't know... I've never..."

"Been on a train before?"

I shake my head.

"That's alright sweetheart, come on, here I'll give you a hand up. You won't regret it, come on... what's your name, sweetheart?"

"Mel." There's a scary moment when I forget my name, but I recover nicely.

"Mel." The conductor smiles kindly. "Why don't you take my hand and climb up, nice and slow."

It only just occurs to me that they might be used to this reaction. Well from this town at least. Maybe I'm not the first terrified traveller, reluctant to get aboard, holding up the rest of the train. His gloved hand is offered down to me and I make the decision right there, bruises or no bruises, I'm changing my life, so I take his hand and let him pull me into the carriage.


Thank you so much to everyone who read this and supported me while I wrote this story! Every comment, every vote, every fan- I can't express how cool it is!

There's just one catch with the sequel though... how do I put this.

Basically it's a little more... wild than 'Behind the Cherry Tree, A Not-So-Short Story'. You think you know Mel? Think again. Because this story is going to be a little more raunchy please do read with caution if you know you get easily offended.

Furthermore, it's only available to fans due to it's nature. If you wanna read it, you gotta fan, if you haven't already.


^ There's the link for the sequel (Y)

Peace, love and cookies,



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