11. Lily

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"Mike will be there!"



"Oh my god, shut up. No."

"You know you suck right?" I say as I slump back on my bed, defeated.

Will rolls his eyes and leans back in my plush desk chair. I want to go to a party, but i'm not brave enough to go alone. Will is being a dick and refusing to go with me.

"You know, if you really want to see him we could just call him and invite him over to chill with us."

"Oh yeah, hey Mike, come on over, don't forget to say hi when mum and dad see you on you're way in!" I give him a haughty look to accompany my sarcasm.

"He lived with you, I'm sorry Mel, but they aren't going to notice him sneaking in the back. And anyway, you're dad's away on business, he only has to get past your mum."

"Can't we just go to the party? Please? Mum gave me permission and you know what she's like!"

In response Will simply pulled his phone from his pocket and flicked through his contacts to call Mike.

"You really suck." I sigh. He ignores me and presses call.

A short silence fills the room as Will listens to his ringing phone. I feel like sulking.

"Hey Mike, yeah, hey it's Will. Yeah."


"Yeah, nah, I'm just at Mel's. Yeah."


"Nah mate, she wants to go though. Wanna come over?"


"Have you got Lily with you?"

Short silence.

"Nah don't lie mate, she's there I can hear her!"

Will's eyes flick to me for a split second before he focuses on the call again.

"Bring her too mate, come on. You can hook up with another day, bro's before hoes man!"


"You know you want to, bring Lily, come to Mel's house. Let's chill."

Have I mentioned how much I hate one sided converstations? Especially one's that have Mike in them.

"Mike, seriously dude, everyone knows, of course Mel knows!"

A slightly longer silence. Mike didn't know that I knew, more than that, he didn't want me to know? Since when have we ever kept things from each other? Why is it such a bad thing that I know? I fought to keep my composure as Will ended the call with a curt, "Alright man, see you in 10."

There was a slightly awkward feeling in the room as we fell into our own thoughts. He'd be here in 10 minutes. He was bringing her. Fabulous, just freaking fabulous. My good mood vanished. I just didn't want to be there anymore, all of a sudden the silence becames unbearable and I roll off the bed to find my radio and turn it on.

Will fidgets as he sits and waits for Mike to arrive. This was a turn of events, I had never wanted Lily in my house, my own room! This was my private sanctuary, the park was where I could meet new people and ignore people I didn't like, this was my room! This is where I let loose and don't allow myself to hide from my feelings.

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