25. Everything's Changing

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"What the hell are you doing here!" I half screech as soon as I catch my breath again.

"You don't look happy to see me." He says, calm as an ocean without a breeze.

"Because you're here! I wasn't! I wasn't expecting... What the hell! You can't just drop in without telling me!"

"Is that really how you're going to greet your cousin?" Leo grins at me as he rises from my bed, discarding the book he'd been reading when I'd entered.

"You're an asshole!" I laugh as I run to his outstretched arms and hug him as tight as I can.

"You're killing me." He wheezes.

"That's what you get for not emailing me! You emailed Tess often enough." I tease.

 I'm rewarded as he goes a little pink at the mention of Tess' name.

"How is she?" He ask, slightly breathless.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" 

He laughs. "How are you then, Mel?" 

"Been better. Broke up with a boyfriend a couple of weeks ago or so."

"Oh? You ok?" Leo sounds genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine, it was a mutual thing ya know." I wave him off.

"Can I ask about Tess now?" He says sheepishly.

I roll my eyes at him. "You're incorrigible. She's fine and dinner's ready."

I'm not quite sure what else to say as we leave my room and I turn my lights off, who is he here to see? Or is he just passing through? Where were his parents? Why would he come here of all places- didn't he know that Tess is dating someone? Surely he does, they email constantly!

"Are you here to, you know, see Tess or me?" I nudge him as we walk back to the kitchen.

"You of course." The sarcasm in his voice makes me laugh. 

Opening the back door I announce: "Very funny you guys! How long did you know that Leo was coming for?"

"Oh, a while." Mum smiles at me from the table. 

"I'm guessing that's your duffle." I point at the bag on the floor, turning to face Leo. He nods.

"Dinner!" Calls dad triumphantly, emerging with four steaming plates heaped on his arms.

"Thank goodness!" Leo all but groans as he rushes to a seat at the table.

"Eh hem." I cough pointedly behind him.

"What?" He says, leaning backwards on the chair, relaxed as a sloth.

"That's my seat." I reply with eyebrows raised. "Honestly Leo, some people." 

"You'll live for one night!" Leo smirks at me and turns back to the table.

A wicked plan forms in my head.

"Ok, I suppose I will survive. I'll just need to call my friends for moral support... Maybe Tess first...?" 

Leo is out of my chair in a shot, his face drawn in disbelief. "You wouldn't." He says.

"Nope!" I laugh as I sit in my chair.

"Oh god, Mel. You're cruel. How about from now on we don't make those jokes." 

"What, about Tess?" 

Of course by now we've sparked my parents interest and they watch the spectacle unfolding with eager eyes. Leo just mock glares back.

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