28. Their Big Day

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There's white everywhere. White gauze curtains that float delicately on the breeze. Soft white light playing through the window. Fluffy white covers that cocoon my body in a Goldilock's like just-right warmth.

After two years of properly dating the day has come. After two years of crazy young love the day has come. After two years of spending close to everyday side by side the day has come to be side by side forever.

"Are you ready?" Fran breathes in a giddy whisper.

I pull back my blankets to let the colder air embrace my body. Flickers of excitement for the coming day spark up my spine. Today is the day.

"Come on guys! We need to get dressed!" I grin at all my girlfriends. They still lie in their cloudy beds, the white streams of sunlight highlighting the purity in their faces. They look like angels. The day is perfect.

"I don't want to wake up!" Groans Tess, rolling over in the hopes of getting more sleep.

My body feels light as air and my being channels white light. 

So as I was saying, there's white everywhere.

"Come on Tess!" Michelle cajoles. "You have to get up!"

"Don't wanna." Her words are slurred by the pillow pressed against one half of her mouth.

I roll my eyes, the other girls have gotten out of their respective beds by now, standing by my sides. The spa yesterday had been amazing. None of us had ever been to a spa before so it had been something of a most spectacular treat.

"You don't want to keep Leo waiting!" Minka tries.

"I've been keeping him waiting for two years. He can wait a few minutes more." She grumbles.

"Yeah, but we won't, so!" Michelle says, grabbing the bottom of the quilt covering Tess. "Let's go!" And in one fell move, she yanks the quilt from the bed.

"Ohhhhhhhh my goooood! You guys suck!" Tess whinges, groaning as the cold tingles against her skin.

"Up with you!" Fran comments, pulling at her arm, half yanking Tess off the bed. 

We giggle at the sight.

"But I don't wanna." 

"Stop being a silly and put your dress on." Minka says, taking Tess' dress from the closet.

"First dibs on shower!" I shout, rushing for the door.

"No fair!" I hear the girls chorus.

"I need to pee!" Michelle shouts.

"Snooze you lose!" I laugh at them over my shoulder.

The warm water running over my body is delicious. The white fluffy towels hugs my body, kissing the water droplets from my body. After drying and doing the necessary girly things I turn to my dress bag and pull the zip down.

The stupid familiar smile that I always get when I see this dress plasters itself to my face once more. I run my fingers over the delicate pale pink gown, it's silky texture flowing smoothly under my touch. The other girls have the same dress in different pale shades. Our stunning grumpy bride didn't want us to look the same. Our soon-to-be mother, Michelle, is wearing something a little different to the rest of us, not only becasue she's getting a small baby-bump but also because she's the maid of honor, yet still nothing that would outdo the bride- naturally.

Leo had proposed the second he'd finished his degree. He'd finally decided that he couldn't wait anymore to make Tess his forever. When Tess had told us the story we'd all melted into a puddle for hours. I honestly didn't know Leo, my own cousin, had it in him to be so sweet. Of course when I'd told Will the story he'd ripped Leo for weeks, the other guys joining in to simultaneously tease and congratulate him.

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