Chapter 1

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Beep, Beep, Beep, Bee-

"Ugh." I groan as I slam my hand on my annoying alarm clock. I get up ready to start a day at my wonderful school. Note the sarcasm. I take a shower and put on skinny jeans, converses, and a hoodie. I run down the stairs to greet my mom, dad, and sister. "Hey family." I say as I kiss each one of their cheeks. "Hey, Sweetheart. " my dad says looking at the newspaper. "Hey, honey. " my mom says flipping pancakes. "Hey Sista." Carla my eighteen year old sister says. We are in the same grade she's just older. "Mom, can I have some pancakes before I go to hell in other words school." I say and my mom swats my arm playfully "Language missy." she mock glares at me and hands a plate of pancakes over. "Sorry mommy." I reply playfully. I may be a nerd but I don't like school, from getting up early, the judgemental people, and last but not least the teachers. I finish my pancakes and so does Carla we get into the car that we share and head to Parkside High School. Later she parks the car and we head into our different directions seeing that we only have a few classes together. "Ugh what the hell is she wearing?" Bethany Marsh, head cheerleader Aka queen of the school says as I head to my locker which is unfortunately next to hers, I roll my eyes, "I'm wearing clothes, which you shouldn't know of since you spend most of your time without them on." I retort smirking. "Ugh! you're so ugly and a loser." she says snapping her fingers and her co cheer people follow her. I sigh finishing my locker duties and head off to first period. I take my seat in the front of the classroom and finish my work while the math teacher calls on the next 'victim'. "Miss Kaloki," Mr. Bourrow says and I sigh looking up, he probably thought I wasn't listening but I was. "Y-yes sir?" I say stammering my words. "Can you please tell us the Pythagorean Therom?" he says and I scoff inwardly of course this is eighth grader stuff and I'm a senior he needs to bring it if he wants me to stumble. "a squared times b squares equals c squared." I say and he smiles, "Thank you Carter." I nod getting back to my work.


After Math I went to the rest of my classes and the time is now lunch. I greet my two best firends: Maddie and Ryder. "Hey guys." I say and they grin. "Hi Carter." they say in unison, I sit down with my lunch which consists of pizza and a soda. "So anything new?" I ask and they nod. "Oh my gosh, I got to tell you." Maddie says squealing and I nod leaning in. "You know, Riley and his boys right? " I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Riley who?" I ask not knowing anybody named Riley.
"Oh my gosh! you've been here since freshman year and so has Riley and you don't know who Riley Mantings is?" Maddie over exaggerated. I thought long and hard about Riley Mantings. "Uhm nope still doesn't ring a bell." I sighed. "Oh come on Carter, you're so oblivious." Ryder says smirking, I just rolled my eyes.
"Well, who is he then?" I asked Maddie. "The one and Only bad boy of Parkside High School, every girl wants to date him-" I cut her off. "Except me." I said smirking. She slapped a hand over my mouth, signalling for me to shut the hell up. "Every guy wants to be him," she continued and Ryder cut in. "Uhm.. sorry to burst your bubbles but I don't want to be him." Ryder smirked and we high fived. "Would you guys stop interrupting me and let me get on with this story!" she exclaimed at us glaring, we put our hands up in surrender and mumbled a sorry, this girl can be crazy sometimes. "Now, Riley and his friends Asher, Chase, and Bryson played a prank on Mrs.Swatten everybody's least favorite teacher and they put a whoopie cushion on her seat and.." she laughed, "And they had these balloons filled with some nasty liquid and when she was writing a problem on the board it dropped on her you should've seen her face! and they didn't even get caught.... yet." she smirked and I laughed at our poor science teacher she wasn't that bad but she did give a lot of homework. Just as Maddie finished her story the whole cafeteria went silent. "Why is everybody so q-" Maddie put her hand over my mouth whispering in my ear, "That's Riley and his friends." I looked up to see four insanely hot guys. "The one in the middle is Riley." I looked at the middle and saw a tall, toned body and the owner of the body had striking blue eyes, jet black curls and dimples oh... dimples. "The one on the right of him is Bryson." I looked and saw a guy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes and the same toned body as Riley's but he wasn't as hot as him. Wait did I just think that? I'm going crazy! it's so true though he's hotter than a fire! "The two on the left are Chase and Asher." I looked and saw two brunettes that looked so alike must be twins I thought. Anyways they were easy on the eyes and had toned body's also. They walked passed our table and I looked at Ryder and our eyes met he blew me a kiss and winked. I pretended to catch the kiss, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my friends who had amused looks on their faces. "What?" I questioned, they just shook their heads and smirked giving each other knowing looks. Their eyes suddenly widened and they looked at something behind me I turned around to see Riley walking up to me, "Very dramatic are we?" He smirked and looked at me obviously checking me out. "My eyes are up here sunny boy." I said sweetly. "Yeah, I know." he said then winked and walked away. Leaving me confused as hell.
School ended and I told Clara my sister that I would walk home today. Later I got home and I greeted my mom and dad before going to my room to finish some homework. About an hour and half later I was done with the homework, and my mom called me downstairs. "Yes, mommy dearest?" I said childishly and she chuckled. "Uhm, honey we have new neighbours and I would like you to take this muffin basket to them as a welcome gift." I sighed but agreed anyways "Yes, mommy dearest. " I said and took the muffin basket from her she stopped me before I could exit. "Uhm sweetie, not being rude or anything but are you going in that?" she gestured to my outfit which I had spongebob pyjama shorts and a black lacy crop top that shows my stomach a tiny bit. "Yeah, what's wrong with it?" I asked and she sighed. "Nothing go deliver the basket so we can have dinner, honey." I nodded and walked to the next door neighbours house. I rung the door bell and there was shuffling before I saw Riley. What?! he's my new neighbour? "Hey couldn't get enough of me huh? Stalked me to get some of this." he gestured towards his body and I rolled my eyes. "Nope. Sorry but my mom told me to come and greet the neighbors so I brought a muffin basket." I said and gave him the basket. I started to head off. "Now if you'll excuse me..." I walked down the step but before I could advance towards the next one he stopped me, grabbing my wrist and I felt the comforting warmth from his hand. "Uhm, thanks for the basket I'll give it to my mom and your name is Carter right?" I nodded and smiled. "Riley right?" I mocked him and he playfully glared. "Well see Ya. Oh and nice outfit." he said smirking. I glared and walked off.
I walked to my room and looked out my window only to see Riley shirtless and he was facing me he smirked and winked and I just gave him the bird collapsing into bed thinking.

Riley Mantings is my new neighbour and he can see right though my window, time to go curtain shopping yeah!!! Note the sarcasm.

AN: Hey do you guys like my new story? is it good? Thanks for reading it would really mean a lot if you guys vote and jazz even check out my other books it would mean a lot Thanks so much!! Oh I almost forgot I don't know how to do a casting list so can anyone inform me? anyways, Riley is played by Nash Grier, until further ado.


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