Chapter 11

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It was Saturday and as promised, I'm going dress shopping for the Masquerade, I'm glad it's a Masquerade because, I don't wanna face Riley. I know it's crazy but I'm scared he'll find out my true intentions, I like him but he likes Bethany. Enough said.

On a lighter note, Maddie and I went to our local mall, She's already found her dress, a blue dress with beautiful beading, she found a blue mask, that goes well with her blonde hair, and I'm sure Ryder will be all over her. Me on the other hand, I can't find a dress. We went into this store called 'Dress to impress'  I walked and greeted the clerk, Maddie already looking at dresses. "Hi welcome, anything I can help you with today?" 

"Hi, yes. We were looking for a Masquerade dress."

She smiles her brown eyes twinkling. "I have just the one for you."

She walks to the back of the store and picks up a black dress, it's long, elegant, and has beautiful beading, it's a cross body in the back and has a slit on the thigh. It was beautiful.

"Wow you'll look gorgeous in that, Carter." Maddie says smiling. 

I caress the soft material in my hands, "Can I try it on?"

"Sure, yes of course!" The clerk says unlocking the dressing room door. I step in holding the dress in my hands, I'm sure Bethany would look great in this, better then I ever would I think, wiping a tear away. I sigh; putting the dress on. I look at myself in the mirror, I have to say it goes well with my green eyes.
"Carter what's taking so long?"

Maddie asks outside the dressing room. I smile to myself and unlock the door to see Maddie gasp. "I was wrong, you don't look gorgeous."
She says and I brace myself. 

"You look more than gorgeous."

She hugs me and I laugh to myself at the negative thoughts in my mind.

"Oh! I almost forgot."

The clerk says, she hands me a mask, with black beading in swirls matching the dress all to well. I try on the mask and it fits perfectly, unlike Riley and I.
After, the shopping trip Maddie dropped me off at home, she was going on a date with Ryder so she had to go home early to get ready. I went up to my room, tucking the dress away, and sat on my bed, I think about my life so far, it's peachy. I hate thinking about Riley it makes me feel weak, but I can't help myself he makes me feel some type of way,  not love but it feels like it could be. He's a broken soul and he draws me in, I want to heal him, make him happy, give him everything and the funny part is, I don't know why. I also don't know why he's broken but whatever it is, it's not good. He puts up a facade like he's happy, but I see past all the fake smiles, I would know, there's only so many you can muster. But I have to forget about him because he's with Bethany now. I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in."

The door opens and I see Carla, my older sister.


I smile and motion for her to sit on my bed, Carla and I aren't that close, we used to be but we drifted apart as we got older, it doesn't change the love we have for each other though. "So, I wanted to talk to you about Brandon." Wow, she must be serious about him, I have to meet him. 

"What about him?"

"I really like him, he's so sweet, nice, and smart. But he's bullied at school and he doesn't want me to do anything, because and I quote, 'They'll make fun of me,  saying I'm a wimp because my girlfriend has to defend me.' and it made me so mad, people are so cruel."

I take in all this, I couldn't believe Brandon was bullied, people are cruel, I bet that nothing's wrong with him, yet he's bullied. I don't even know him, but I know of him, and I know that he makes my sister happy.

"I'm so sorry, Carla. I would convince him to report the bullying, how bad is it?"

"I don't know he hasn't told me."

"Oh." I don't know what to say, I was never good at advice so I just hug her, actions speak louder then words after all.

I feel wetness on my shoulder. Oh, Carla. I wish people weren't so cruel, what do they get seeing others in misery?

"It's okay Carla, I'll help you get through this."

She wipes her tears, and sits up and musters a small smile. "Thank you, Carter."

"No problem, gotta help my favorite sister."

"I'm your only sister."

"That's the point."

She laughs, I see the reward you get from making people laugh, but not for others misery.
I wanted to say thanks for reading, until next time!


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