Chapter 7

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I feel the ground moving underneath me and I smell a boyish scent, a mixture of mint and cinnamon. I feel very warm and I've come to the conclusion in my sleepy state that I'm in someone's arms, but who? I open one eye and look up, I was way closer then I expected. I see every detail of Riley's face, his blue eyes covered by his long eyelashes, the faint freckles dotted along his nose-

"It's very rude to stare you know." his deep voice says interrupting the silence. I blush and look away, I can't believe he caught me staring at him, how embarrassing. I look around in confusion. We were in my house, how did he get in? Nobody was home. "How did you get in? You didn't have a key."

"The flower vase, isn't the best spare key hiding place." he chuckles dimples on display. I blush from his words. "Blame my mom, she thinks people won't expect a thing." I laugh as he gets to my room. He sets me gently on my bed, he is at my door but I call him back.


I smile tentatively at him, "I had a nice time tonight, thanks Mantings." he smirks and I feel my heart skip one too many beats.

"Last name basis, are we? See you around Kaloki." he winks. I stare at the door when he left for what seemed like hours, but in fact it was only minutes. I felt myself getting tired and fell into a peaceful abyss.
"Wake up, Carter!"

What a great way to wake up.

The noise only gets louder and I give up trying to fall back asleep. I think about last nights events, and a smile rises upon my face, what is Riley making me feel? I hope it fades soon because I know he's a player, I know he won't change for me, I've read enough stories and watched enough movies to know how it ends up.

"Wake up-"

"I'm up Carla, bloody hell!"

"Language!" I hear my mom call from downstairs and I roll my eyes, but a smile appears on my face nonetheless. I get up and head to the shower, once I'm done I decide to dress up a little today, not for anyone but myself. I grab a olive T-shirt dress and a black and white flannel to tie around my waist, I pair it up with my black converse and throw my hair into a high ponytail. I head downstairs to see my dad reading the newspaper, and mom cooking breakfast. Ah, familiarity I love it, sometimes change is a lot for me to handle. I hug my mom, stealing a piece of toast, and kiss my dad on the cheek, I head outside to see Carla looking annoyed. "Took you long enough." she rolls her eyes getting in the car. "Chill, big sister what's got you acting like a grouch?" Watching as she turns a corner. "Nothing, stop worrying." she mumbles an irritated look on her face, I just wait, knowing it could be seconds before she admits what's wrong.

"I like someone." See? Wait what? Carla likes someone? This is very rare, Carla is what is some people call a 'rebel' but all she does is speak her mind and admit the bitter truth, many people at Washington High are 'plastics' as she puts it, fake. So to hear her say she likes someone is a shocker. "You. Like. Someone." I say slowly making her roll her eyes.

"Yes." she says bitterly.

"So, whose the lucky guy?" We pull up into the school.

"You'll find out soon enough, little sister."

"At least let me know his name!" I pout.

"Nice try, he doesn't go to this school but his name is Brandon." she says walking into the school waving over her shoulder. Damn, I didn't even get to see why she thought it was a bad thing to like, Brandon as she says.

"Why the long face, sweetheart?" I turn around to come face to face with Riley. He looks good in his long sleeve Henley and jeans that hug him in the right places, but his sexiness does nothing to help my annoyed mood. "Nothing." I grumble heading to my locker, I turn around to see him saluting me, then he walked away, I try to ignore the pain in my heart, I didn't want him to stay, did I?
Lunch rolls around and I head to my regular table with Maddie and Ryder. Now that they were a couple everything was weird... Well for me, they were all loved up. I mean I was happy for them, but it just goes to show how lonely I am. "Hey guys!" I cheer happily. "Bestie!" Ryder shouts and I chuckle at his childness. "Hey Carter." Maddie says. "Hey, Mads, what's up?" She shrugs and digs into her fruit salad. "Not much, what about you?" I sigh a lot has been going on lately, Carla likes someone, heck I might even like someone.

Huh? Did I just admit I like Riley Mantings, Hell no, that can't be right, I'm going insane. There's no way I like Riley.

Admit it, my inner voice says,

You like his silky, black hair. His beautiful blue eyes, that sexy half smirk-

Shut up! Stupid inner voice, I must really be going insane arguing with my self. A hand is waved in my face. "Carter, you okay? You spaced out for a second." A concerned Maddie says. "Yeah," I laugh.

"Just thinking about things." I finish with a sigh.

"We've, all been there." Ryder says, with a distant look on his face. "Lover boy at five o'clock." Maddie says and I'm confused until I hear his voice.

"Hey sweetheart, in a better mood?" he asks with a smirk stealing one of my fries. He sits beside me putting an arm around my shoulder and I can't deny that I feel warmth when he's near, and it's comfortable. He makes me feel safe even though he's annoying, and then it dawned on me that maybe, just maybe I liked Riley Mantings.
Short Chapter, I know bite me. JK but hope you guys are enjoying the book, I think it's one of the best ones I've written, I've read a lot and gotten inspiration so I guess that's why my writing is better but anyways it might not be a lot of people reading this right now, but I'm happy thanks for reading, and please check out my other books, maybe even click the vote button, you know you want to...

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