Chapter 4

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I'm on my second drink and I feel my hips swaying to the beat. I'm dancing with a cute guy named Marco, who didn't try to force me to dance with him and also doesn't reek of booze. "You having fun?" he asks putting his hands on my waist. "Yeah, I thought I wouldn't, but I'm actually enjoying tonight." I say smiling putting my hands on his shoulders. I take the time to look at him, Brown shaggy hair, green eyes with a hint of blue, strong jaw line. No where near hot as Riley, but he is really cute. I don't even know why I'm thinking about Riley, must be the achohol.  "Well, I'm glad to hear that." he says and he pulls back a little. "I'm going to get more drinks okay?" he yells over the music. I nod telling him I'd be right here. "Having a good time?" A familiar voice says over the music, I look to see Riley. "Uhm, yeah I guess." I say looking at him, he is wearing black skinnys, and a white button up.

He looks good. Did I mention really good?

"You done staring?" Riley says with a bored expression. I try to hide the blush, but I feel my cheeks getting hotter than Riley looks. "I wasn't staring, I was just wondering if you would notice the spider on your head." I lie gesturing to his head and he starts hyperventilating while I try to stifle my laughter. "Where. Oh my God! Get it off!" he exclaims and I laugh. "I never expected Bad Boy, Rye Rye to be afraid of spiders." I chuckle and he glares harshly. "I'm allergic." he spat and I giggle. "Have you seen this house? Why in the hell would there be a spider? I'm just kidding." I say punching his arm lightly and he laughs nervously. "Yeah. Whatever." he sighs. I look to my left to see Marco the guy I was dancing with earlier come with my drink. "Hey, brought you a drink." he says handing me a cup of vodka mixed with something that taste like cranberry. Riley notices him and he glares and Marco glares right back, they seem to be in some type of glare off and I can't take the thick tension so I clear my throat. "Uh, whatever you guys have Uhm.. going on I'm not sticking around to witness so I'll let you two ladies have some alone time." I say joking and backing away slowly, removing Marco's hand from my waist. I walk and leave them two to kill each other or whatever and go to the makeshift bar. I'm slightly intoxicated, but not all the way drunk like I want to be and when I'm drunk it gets pretty ugly so, I don't even know why, but I call the bartender over. "Hey babe, what can I get you?" says a cute guy maybe three years older than me. I giggle at what he called me, "Uh, give me some thing strong, but good tasting." I say grinning. He walks over to his station and works his magic, two minutes later he comes back with a blue drink and I take a sip, it tastes like it has vodka and some wine in it but the taste of blue raspberry drowns it out. "Thanks this tastes really good." I say smiling. "Yep and it's only the beginning." he says smirking.


About five blue mystery drinks later, I find myself wasted and I got myself a new hot bartender friend. "You my good friend.... Are a magic drink maker..." I slur playing with Bradley, the said bartender names hair "I know.. one of my many qualities." he says also slurring, we were about to do some jello-shots but just as I raise the cup to my mouth it was snatched out of my hand. "What the hell dude, I was going to drink that!" I exclaim looking to see Riley glaring at Bradley. "Well, you had enough, come on." he says grabbing my arm all the while glaring at Bradley. "Come on man.. just let her have her fun, she's not hurting anyone." Bradley says defending me, and while Riley was distrated I grab another drink and chug it down.
"Well she's gonna be hurting herself, with her severe hangover in the....." I drone their voices out and sneak away from them trying to enjoy the party. I look and see Maddie and Ryder drinking but I don't go by them. I grab a random guy and ask him to dance.

If people say I deserve fun then I'm gonna have fun.

T W O.   H O U R S.  L A T E R.

I look up to see Riley looking around and pushing past people,  when he sees me, he jogs forward and grabs me. "What the hell are you doing? I've been looking for you over the past two hours!" he yells glaring at me. "Partying!" I yell and I go into the dance floor to dance but before I do I'm pulled back by Riley. "Leave me alone Riley!" I yell at him and he glares. "No, you're going to do something stupid and you'll regret it." he says and I smirk. "I already did something stupid and I'll have you know.... I don't... regret shit." I slur glaring at him. "What the hell?! Carter, I'm taking you home." he pulls me and I feel the bile rise in my throat. Before I know it I puked on Riley Manting's shoes.

Did I also mention I passed out?

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