Chapter 3

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Sometimes when people say they love you, I think it's a lie. My parents love me, my sister loves me but has her own way of showing it. Maddie, good 'ole Maddie. She says she loves me but that is a lie, because if she did I wouldn't be in a dress with make up on and in front of somebody else's door ready to enter to meet my death, A.K.A a stupid party she forced me to go to. So that Ladies and Gents is why Maddie claims she loves me but look what bad situation she put me in. "Maddie. I hate you." I say glaring at her. "Aw. I love you too," she says smiling sweetly. "Lighten up, you deserve to have fun every once in a while, instead of reading on a Friday night how about you party." she says trying to knock some sense into me and I sigh. Maybe she is right, I need to let loose, have fun, be free. You only live once. Why make life boring? I step into the door of some rich dudes house, more like mansion and I instantly take in the very cliche' sight and smell of beer, grinding, dancing, yelling, people having a 'good time'. Let's just see the hangover tomorrow  morning, I bet they will regret the party then. My mind then shifts to Riley, I wonder if he will be here tonight? Why did he stick up for me? I don't know but I'm supposed to be having fun. I grab a drink and chug it, instantly regretting it when the burning feeling runs thorough my esophagus. I look up to see Maddie dancing with Ryder who told us he would meet us there. I really wonder if something is going on between them, they've been all close and really nice to each other lately and the thing is.. I could see them together. "Hey cutie, wanna dance?" A blonde haired boy says looking me up and down like I was a prized possession. He leans closer and I can smell the booze all over him, I gag inwardly and put on a fake smile. "No thank you," I say looking and I see something in his eyes that darkens and he steps even closer.
"Come on, Babe just one dance?" he begs. "No, means No Blondie." Maddie says glaring at the boy. "You don't have to be a bitch about it, I just wanted a dance." he looks at Maddie and smirks. She goes to smack him but Ryder comes and holds her back. "Get lost kid." Ryder spat,  If I was the guy on the other line receiving the message he just sent I would've peed my pants. He walks away and Maddie looks at me and sighs. "I can't leave you for one minute and you already got yourself in trouble." she says. "Well I told you I didn't want to go. I just knew something bad was bound to happen, this might just be the beginning." I say looking at her and she frowns.
"Just don't look at the negatives all the time Carter." she says and walks away.

I feel like crap and I just want to go home.

"Hey, cheer up she isn't mad at you. just annoyed I didn't let her go all ape shit on Blondie." Ryder says smiling at me and I chuckle. "Always one to make jokes." I say smiling at Ryder. "Yeah, my number one job. Now let loose, have fun, you deserve it kid." he says ruffling my hair and I swat his hands away. Ryder was always like an older brother that I never had. He means a lot to me alongside Maddie, I love them both they, mean the world to me. He walks off and I'm left alone trying to figure out what fun I'm supposed to have in this hell hole.

Her Bad Boy One and OnlyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang