Chapter 6

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Hey guys!! Note in the beginning today! The banner is my book called 'The Bad boy's Broken Girl'  Check it out please!!! Okay now for the Chapter!!~~~~~~~~
Tell me why I feel a tight pain in my chest when I see Riley kissing-no sucking faces with a blonde bimbo? What is wrong with me? I tear my eyes away from the disturbing scene and head to my locker, when I get my things I'm nearly scared to death. "Sorry." Maddie says sheepishly. "It's okay." I breathe. I notice bags under her eyes and her hair is a mess, it pains me because I know I was the cause of this. "I'm sorry," I apologize. "I overreacted, I'm happy for you guys and I know that you guys trust me, I was just hurt and I'm sorry." I ramble looking into her eyes. She stays silent and it scares me. "Say something." I mumble. She hugs me. "Not giving up on you." She whispers in my ear and I laugh, that's the Maddie I know. "I'm sorry too, from now on, no secrets." I nod. We walk to our next class and I pass the disturbing scene, only to see he was sucking faces with a brunette now.

What a player.
At the end of the day, Maddie and I went to the mall because and I quote, 'We haven't had much girl time in a while.' I love the mall don't get me wrong, but when you spend your day there with a crazy mad-shopaholic-cave woman, then you would understand how I'm not even looking at the outfits she's showing me that are the same exact color and look great on her, but looking at my phone playing Subway Surfers. Yes, people my life has come to this. "Carter, are you even listening to me?" She asks. "Yes, that outfit looks sooo great on you Mads." I reply, hopping on a train with my super sneakers. "Carter! your not even listening." She whines. "And?" I counter, smirking as I beat my high score.  "And your being a bad friend right now." She says,  I allow my character Lucy, to run into a train followed by the officer chasing me and his creepy looking dog, I would've laughed if I wasn't in this situation right now. "Maddie, Maddie, Maddie, that's where you are so very wrong, I've been sitting here for the past two hours getting butt cramps from sitting down watching you try on the same kind of outfit which looks amazing on you but you think not so I'm actually being a good friend by still being here suffering through a mini hell." I huff.  "Okay, fine maybe I was being a bit dramatic we can go now." She says and I jump out of my seat doing a celebratory dance and fist pumping the air. Who would've thought a teenage girl was happy to get out of the mall?  "I'm enjoying the view Carter, but it's getting a little much even for me." I turn around to see Riley smirking referring to my rather bad dancing.  "Well...." I say blushing looking anywhere but at his perfect face. "Well?" He counters still smirking, by now I wanted to smack his face all the way to his ass, I know not a good image.  Anyways, where was I, Oh Riley is still smirking. "Well bye." I wink playfully dragging along a sniggering Maddie. "What was that?" She asks referring to the little scene not even ten minutes ago. "What was what?" I reply walking closer to the car. "You know what I mean Carter." She snaps rolling her eyes at me. "What, I don't know what your talking about, what do you mean?" I say trying to annoy her, so she will leave me alone. "Carter.." She says warningly and I smile innocently. "What?" I say smirking. I feel a sharp pain erupting from my arm. "Ow!" I shriek, rubbing my arm and glaring at Maddie. "Stop playing then." She smirks. "I'm not playing, that was just me getting away from him faster." I yell getting in the car. "I'll believe it when I see it. " She tuts turning out the driveway of the mall, I roll my eyes. "You did see it." she slaps my arm earning another glare from me. "You know what I mean." I let her get the last word, and stare out the window.
"Hey, you owe me something to eat for staying with you that long at the mall." I tell Maddie as she drives.

"Sure, what are you in the mood for?" I think about what I would like to eat, and the perfect idea
comes to mind. "How about the local diner." I grin.

"Yes! I could go for a good burger and fries."

"You read my mind."

After about ten minutes we arrived at the diner. I loved the fifties vibe it gave off, it was pretty popular around town but I just came for the food. We choose a booth near the back and looked at our menus. "So tell me what's going on with you and Riley?" Maddie says as a waitress comes over. I smile and tell her I would like a burger, fries, and a vanilla milkshake. Same with Maddie. "So?" Maddie prods. I sigh nothing's going on with him and I.

He's a player it'll never happen.
"Mads, you saw him making out with a blonde, then a brunette not even five minutes after, if that tells you that nothing is going on between us then I don't know what will." I sigh and she frowns. "But the way he looks at you." There's a way he looks at me? "No secrets remember? I'll tell you if something happens." She smirks. "So your not denying something won't happen."

She will literally be the death of me.

I sigh of relief as the food arrives.  We eat in silence until she squeals out of nowhere, making me almost choke on my milkshake. "What?" I hiss. 

"He's here."

"Who's here?"

"Carter." I hear his voice.

Oh shit. 
"Riley where the hell are you taking me?"

"Sweetheart, I told you it was a suprise."

You're most likely wondering, What the hell is happening? Well long story short, Maddie left me with the devil and now he's taking me somewhere and it's most likely to my death. "If you plan to kidnap me and kill me, give me a heads up." I say and he laughs. "What an imagination, you got there."

"I'm just being cautious, you're taking me in the middle of nowhere, and it's getting dark soon."

"True." he states and my eyes widen.  "So you admit you're going to kill me?"

"No, just chill we'll be there in a minute."

And chill I did.
"You're taking me Cliff diving!"
I yell as I take in the scenery before me,  it was beautiful no doubt but it won't be with my

"Yep! Live a little Kaloki." he winks pulling his shirt off. His body is no doubt amazing, he's so toned. He goes to take off his pants and I scream closing my eyes. I hear his loud laugh then,  suddenly I feel his body heat,  indicating he's close, really close.

"You're so innocent Kaloki, I'm using this as my swim wear." I uncover my eyes to look into his blue ones, he looks at my lips and I look at his pink, plump inviting ones. He leans closer, but then blinks and shakes his head. He smiles then says. "Your turn to strip, sweetheart." I blush and shake my head.

"Come on I don't bite. Besides, do you want to jump in your clothes?"

I look down, I was wearing my favorite jumper, it would get ruined if I jumped with this on. I sigh.  "Cover your eyes, no peeking." I say he does as told and I turn him around for reassurance. "I don't see the point I'm gonna see you anyways." he chuckles.  "Shut up." I say removing my clothes leaving me in my black bra and panties, Thank the heavens I matched. "Okay, are we jumping or what?" he turns around and his breath hitches, I turn my head and blush,  I've been doing that a lot lately. "Okay, let's jump." he says we walk over to the edge and I'm soon filled with fear, it was maybe a fifteen foot jump, I was shaking.  I felt Riley grab my hand. "I'll protect you."
With that we jumped. I screamed not in fear but with happiness. It was exhilarating, we splashed in the water. When I came up I laughed hugging Riley. "That was Amazing!"

I thought I heard him say 'Like you.' But it must've been my imagination... Right?

He carried me to the car where I had a peaceful sleep.

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