Chapter 8

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I seriously doubt my normalness sometimes, After I found out that I might have a small crush on Riley, my mind went into havoc, normally when people find out that they like someone, they want to do everything to get closer to them. But I, do everything in my power to stay away from them, in regards of me doing something stupid and embarrassing myself, cause we all know Carter Kaloki deserves a first place trophy for doing that.
Anyways all weekend I've been in the house hiding out, ignoring most people and I've been getting tired of it,  I need air so I thought why not go for a walk, and stop somewhere to stock up on snacks. Yes, that might take up in some reasons why my stomach is not so little anymore.
After getting changed in, jeans and a simple shirt. I grab my purse and shoes, and head out the door. The weather is nice today for Washington, usually there's gray skies, and wind. But today, it's blue skies and no wind. I smile to myself and walk down the sidewalk, glancing at Riley's house, his bike isn't home so I guess he's out. Twenty minutes or so, later I arrive at the supermarket, I was really craving some cookies, and maybe some chips. I walk down the aisles and grab my food after I pay, I walk out of the store.

"Carter?" A familiar voice says, I ignore it and walk faster, I really don't want to talk with anyone right now, I know it's rude but sue me. "Carter, wait up!" The distant voice says,  I break into speed walking and act oblivious to my surroundings. I hear foot steps getting closer and closer, till I feel an arm on my shoulder.

Dammit, I think. 

I slowly turn around, innocent smile on my face, but when I see his face I'm at a loss for words.

"Bradley?" In case, you didn't know he is the guy I met, at the party Maddie made me go to, and he's the guy I forgot to call. Oops?

"Yeah, you didn't call and you avoided me when I called you back there." He says brown hair falling into his eyes.

"I'm sorry about that, it slipped my mind, and about the avoiding... I kinda don't wanna talk with anyone right now." I say sheepishly. He pouts mockingly. "Awh, that hurts right here, babe." He says putting a hand over his heart. I look into his gray eyes, laughing. "Sorry, I'll make you an exception, since I forgot to call you." He grins putting an arm around my shoulder. "So my lady, we should get to know each other better, yeah?" He says walking.

"Yeah. Let's go to the park I've got food!"

"I knew there was a reason I liked you." he says ruffling my hair, I slap his hands away grinning.

"Come on, idiot."
We arrived at the park five minutes later. Bradley rushes to the slide, while I sit on the swings. "You know for a twenty year old, you sure act like a kid." I say watching as he slides down. "Nineteen, actually." he retorts,  sitting on the swings beside me.

"That doesn't make it any better." I giggle watching him eat a cookie. He rolls his eyes. I can't help but to admire them, they look like the clouds when there is about to be a storm, I love how the color contrasts greatly against the trees. "See something you like babe?" He says winking.

I laugh. "No idiot, your eyes are just really pretty." He raises an eyebrow. "A compliment, and an insult in one? Wow."

I grin punching his shoulder.
"So tell me more about yourself." he says. Prepping an elbow on his knee. "There's not much to know, I have a Mom, Dad, and sister Carla." He shakes his head a small smile appearing, showing a faint dimple. "I asked about you not your family, not to be rude I'm sure your family is awesome." he adds awkwardly. I grin. "Well, I like the color blue, I'm seventeen, and I like puppies." He smiles. "I'm, nineteen, like the color green, and I like taking pictures." It was then I noticed the camera on his neck, I go to touch it but he slaps my hand away. "This thing cost me nearly, a thousand bucks nobody touches it." He sassed. I rub my hand. "May I ask, why you aren't in college?"

"Oh, I am. Just online so I can be closer to my mom." he says.  I smile that's sweet of him. "May I ask, why are you avoiding people?" He smirks. I sigh, thinking of it, my mind isn't okay,  it's in a state of havoc thinking of Riley; his bright blue eyes, his soft black hair, his dimples. "Carter! You spaced out, you okay?" Bradley says bringing me out of my thoughts, Am I okay? No. But is that okay? Yes. "Yeah, and I don't know why I'm avoiding people it's just weird." I mumble. "Does it have something to do with the guy at the party?" What?!

"How did you know?" I say gob smacked.

"I didn't, but it's nice to know my guess is right!" He smirks. Damn him, I walked right into that one. 

"So what about this guy? You like him?" He says grinning.

"Unfortunately, yes." I grumble.

"Well, why is that a problem?"

"He's a player, he has girls at his feet, literally." I chuckle, thinking of how Bethany is crazy over him.

"Well, even in my drunk ass state, at the party I could tell the way he looked at you was special."

I look at him bewildered. "You don't even know his name, how would you know if there's a way he looks at me." I state.

He smirks. "I have a little sister that goes to your school." I roll my eyes. "Then you should know,  how I feel then."

"Yeah, but don't give up you should see the way he looks at you when your not watching." he says a distant look on his face. We sit in silence for a few minutes, swinging on the swings, I know I only knew him for a short time, Bradley that is, but he is someone I want in my life for a while, I can trust him. "Bradley?"

I hear a 'hmm' in reply.

"Thank you." He looks over at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"For what?"

"Being there for me."

"No problem babe."

I could tell Bradley would be a huge impact on my life.

Another Chapter! Thanks for reading I hope this story gets successful. Remember Vote! Comment! And Share!

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