The hardest decision

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"Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you?" "I'm sure Eric I've got to do this by myself and them seeing you will only make it harder." "Alright, well if I don't see you again I'll give you this." Eric said then kissed me, he can't be doing this it's making the decision more complicated. I pulled away from the kiss to see he's eyes bloody he was crying blood. It's making me feel bad then I started crying. "Don't do this Eric please. Tomorrow night come here if I'm here I've decided to stay but if I'm not... Well you know." I said trying not to cry harder I kissed him again then turned to go in the house. When I turned back Eric was gone. This is going to be hard.
I got up early in the morning to go to Merlotte's to seek advice of my friends. When I got there Sam was already there he noticed me and smiled I smiled back but it was a sad smile. When Tara, Arlene, Terry and Lafayette arrived I guess they could all tell something was up they all walked over to me and Sam. "Guys I need you help and its really important." I said. Here goes nothing.
1 hour later
I explained everything to them they all looked shocked like I did when my mom said I had to choose. "Lara you can't go! It was your mom's idea to move here anyway she knew damn well there were vampires here she couldn't of expected you to live here for a while without seeing a vampire. So you know what you going to do yet? They're leaving soon ain't they?" Sam said he's right my mom did know so it's her own fault. "Look Lara even though I don't agree with you seeing Eric your still my friend and I don't want you to leave. We are all like family here and you are really fun and cool to hang with." Tara said and everyone agreed with her gosh they all want me to stay but I can't lose my mom as well I've already lost my dad. "Lara at the end of the day it's your decision we're all here for you whatever you choose." Terry said. Okay so I have some thinking to do they leave in 3 hours, I think I need to take a little walk by myself and decide what I'm going to do. "Thanks guys all of you I think I'm going to take a walk alone and decide. You'll know what I decided when tomorrow comes and I'm not at work." I said smiling they all smiled back. "Well Lara whatever you choose good luck if you leave and don't forget about us." Lafayette said. "Of course I won't. I'll see y'all later." I said walking towards the door looking back at them one more time smiling then I leaved.
I sped walked in to the woods going in the middle of the woods so I could break down and cry. How can I chose between family and close really close friends? It's so frustrateing. I leaned against a tree and closed my eyes thinking about what would happen if I leaved and what would happen if I stayed.
2 hours later
I got back at the house greeted by my mom. "Lara! Your all dirty what have you been doing? Have you said goodbye to all your friends and that God awful vampire yet we need to go." Wait what?! "Mom! I haven't decided if I'm coming or staying yet!" I said angrily that she'd just thought I'd be leaving with her without a argument. "Lara! We need to leave in exactly 10 minutes! Your either with us or not!" She said crossing her arms. I need to do this for me and only me I don't need my mom here to tell me what's right and wrong all the time. I crossed my arms looking at her dead in the eyes. "Staying!" My mom took a step back in complete shook. "Lara. You know what this means then? You will never see or hear from me again if I get in that car without you!" "I'm well aware of that mother!" I snapped at her. It looked like she was about to cry she grabbed her suitcase and headed for the car. When she got in she looked at me again and I just stared at her not giving in this time mom! She looked away and the car drove away.
Victory to me! I looked at the time it was going to be getting dark soon I need to go somewhere.
I didn't walk it was almost like a jog/run type of walking I saw Ginger opening Fangtasia I walked up behind her. "Gin..." She screamed when I taped her shoulder she turned round and placed her hand over her heart. "Oh Lara you scared the crap out of me! I thought you were leaving Eric told us you had a difficult decision to make." "Yeah, I did but I decided to stay. I wanted to surprise Eric can I sit in he's office?" I asked Ginger smiled at me. "Aw how sweet! Of course you can hunny. Come on I was just opening it up ready for tonight." Ginger said I followed her indoors while she was setting up the club I headed into the office and decided to call my work mates while I wait for it to get dark. "Yes! Lara you don't know how happy we are to hear your staying. We need to celebrate tomorrow! Hey listen Lara good luck with Eric he should be waking up soon. We'll see you at work tomorrow." When I rang Sam everyone was still at work so he decided to let them all listen in and they were all overjoyed that I decided to stay now I just need to tell Eric hopefully he's not too upset with me. I sat on the sofa looking at the wall. This office really need to be more interesting it's rather boring. Someone opened the door it was Ginger. "Eric just woke up he's... Er... Kind of... Well... Let's just say upset he's been crying. Never seen him like this before. He's stepped outside with Pam for a bit but he told me he'll be in he's office when he gets back in. He still doesn't know your here. Ek! Can't wait to see he's expression! Okay I'm going now see you later Lara." Ginger said and giggled before closing the door. Oh darn it now I've got to wait. I thought I'd have to wait for ages but I heard a guys voice outside the door and it sounded like Eric I stood up and looked at the door getting more nervous as the door slowly opened. Here goes nothing. I took a deep breath.

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