Chapter 4: A Lifetime Fortold

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POV Marionette

"I thought you were dead!"
*Surprised Look*

"Yeah I'm alive. Sorry I haven't been around." *Smile*

It was SpringBonnie! He's alive!? How!? Why!?

"SpringBonnie!? What happened!? Where have you been!?"

"In the basement. And my new name is SpringTrap."


Golden came running and hugged him. I mean that is technically his brother. I was just happy to see him again.

"It's been so many year's."

"I know. How many now 5... 6... maybe 7?"

"It's been 7."

"Wow I've been gone a while."

~2 Days Later~

POV SpringTrap

They can't know of my plan. Marionette almost found out when she came down to the basement the other day. I hid Mangle though. She didn't find her. I still have to get Balloon Boy though. I'll leave tonight. Under the cover of darkness. My plan will be a sucess. It has to be. Otherwise I will fail him. That can't happen, not tonight.

~Later That Night~

I had left to go get Balloon Boy. Under the cover of darkness, as I had planned. Fortold the truth is not what would happen. No one must know. I can't fail him, goodness knows what he would do if I failed him. I shouldn't be scared of someone so vounrable. But I am, pathetic right? I don't know. I left to get Balloon Boy and it was a sucess. Got away with it without anyone noticing surprisingly.

POV Marionette

Today when I woke up, I went to the Dining Room like usual. And Balloon Boy was nowhere to be found. Balloon Girl was there. But he wasn't, no one has seen him. First Mangle left now Balloon Boy was missing! What is happening to this place!? I'm scared. And I don't know what to do. I keep forgeting Mangle's gone. Because I always act like she's here but she isn't. Foxy still is quiet.

~3 Weeks Later~

Oh my god I'm terrified. Now Mangle, Balloon Boy, Foxy, Chica, And Freddy are missing. Gold's pretty sad about his little brother being gone. I feel bad for him. But he won't talk to me. I'm afraid Gold's gonna go missing too. Or someone else. Again I don't know what to do.

POV SpringTrap

I have caught everyone I need. Except for one person. Marionette... I don't know how I'm going to get her though. Because Golden's always with her now. He doesn't want her to go 'missing' too. He needs her power though. Because his powers got taken away. Now he can't use them. The Phantom's are mindless ghosts who listen to me. He put me in charge of them. He is the boss, I don't dare talk back. Even though he's so vounrable to manipulate I can't do it. I don't think he's done anything wrong. I've made up my mind. I'm going to get her tonight. While Golden is sleeping, and she is vounrable. Well it's time. Here I go. I crept my way to her and Golden's room. And quietly shut off Golden. Sorry brother, but it's just buisness. I shut off Marionette and took her. But I turned Golden back on and quickly left. No one noticed me again, good.

POV Golden Freddy

When I woke up today. Marionette was gone. She's probably in the Dining Room. But when I went out there she wasn't there. I instantly freaked out. No not her. She can't go missing. Please no. She wouldn't leave on her own. None of them would. Someone took them. And I think I know who...

~Stay Tuned For Part 5~

Five Nights At Freddy's: Fragments | (Mangle/Foxy FanFiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora