Chapter 10: Will 'She' Recover?

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POV Golden Freddy

"Suddenly everything went black. And my whole body went numb. I couldn't see anything or feel anything. Am I in a dream or am I awake? I don't know..."

"Golden Freddy!? What are you doing here!?"

"W-what? Who are you?"

"I don't have an official name yet. I'm for what people feared. But I'm not who you think I am."

"What!? Who are you, really!?"

"I told you, I don't have a name yet."

Out of nowhere the sound of a door opening was in the room. It wasn't like a slow creak it was a loud thud like someone rushed in and slammed the door.

~One Month Later~

Golden Freddy woke up and looked around, he was in his room? He stood up and walked out the door. And all the toys and regulars ran up to greet him. Except Mangle, Foxy and Marionette. Golden Freddy walked over to Kid's Cove and saw Marionette sitting down with her knee's pressed into her and her head down. He could hear she sounded like she was crying. Foxy was sitting down by her comforting her, he was crying also. Golden Freddy walked up to them and sat by Marionette.

"Marionette, Foxy? What happened? Are you okay?"

"Gold your awake!"

Marionette quickly hugged me, tears still in her eyes. I hugged her back but I was still confused, just a minute ago she was a Phantom and wanted to kill me. But now, she's normal and crying? How long have I been asleep.

"Mari, how long have I been asleep?"

"One month, everyone is back to normal now."

"One month!?"

"Aye, but unfortunately not everyone be feeling okay."

Foxy was crying as well, wait did something happen to Mangle!?

"Did something happen to Mangle!?"

"Aye, take a look for ye self."

I walked over there and sat down next to Mangle's bed, I looked over and she was sleeping? I walked back to Foxy and Mari. And sat back down by them, confused.

"I'm confused, she's sleeping? How is that bad?"

"No Gold, there is something bad."

"Aye lass should ye tell em."

"I'll tell him Foxy."

"Tell me what!?"

"When you were knocked out, The rest of the Phantoms were reversed by the Toy's they came after us and we all had a battle of Toy's vs Phantoms and the Toy's won. They fixed us and we haven't seen SpringTrap, Marrionette, or Dark Freddy since. When we got reversed it was said that one of us would suffer from Amnesia. And that was Mangle."

"Wait, Amnesia!?"

"Aye, she hasn't woken up since she was declared to have Amnesia."

"I'm sorry Foxy."

"Aye, thanks."

Amnesia, I had forgotten what that means. Wait it means 'Partial or total loss of memory temporarily or perminetily'! Wait she doesn't remember anything for a while!? How is Foxy going to take this?! How is Mari going to either?! Is Mangle going to ever remember us again?! I don't know, I need to lie down, my heads spinning in circles again.

~Stay Tuned For Chapter 11: What Are We Going To Do?~

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