Nialls cold part 3

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Day of concert.

I woke up feeling a little better but not a lot. The day before the boys got me soup and medicine but I still felt like shit. The thing that was hurting me the most was my nose. It was all sore and red. It was running like a waterfall. I blew it and felt the disgusting snot on my hands. I washed them and went to lay back down. We didn't have anything to do since it was the day of the concert so all I did was rest. I woke up a few times from sneezing and coughing but other then that I was ok.

"Hey, Irish princess. Wake up we gotta go to the arena", Louis said. I sighed but that was my mistake. It turned into a sneeze. I moved my hands in front of my face but it was to late. Snot sprayed all over Louis. "Oh Lou I'm so sorry. I really didn't mean to, I said. "No its alright I'm fine it wasn't you're fault." "Well I guess I better get up," I said. "Yeah".

Fast forward to 5mins before show time.

"Ok guys this is going to be a long show so let's bring our "achoo!" I felt all 3 pairs of eyes on me. "Sorry", I mumbled and sniffled. "All", Harry finished. Liam gave me some tissues and a encouraging smile. I smiled back and wiped my nose. We walked out and all I heard was screaming. I saw signs that said, GET WELL NIALL WE LOVE U!! I waved to the fans and blew a kiss. Then I had to sneeze which earned a bunch of BLESS YOU'S!!!! "Hi guys Niall's not feeling very today but he didn't want to let you guys down so can we say a big awww to Niall", Harry said. I heard a big aww and laughed. "Thank you guys, if you can't hear my voice sounds horribl-". I pointed to my throat as my voice cut off.

5 songs in

It was going ok. Sure I had my moments when I had to cough and sneeze but nothing serious. During "Through The Dark. I was singing my solo," ,"Don't burn out. Even if you scream and shout. It will come back-. I tried again but the only thing that came out was a faint whisper. I felt a warm tear run down my cheek as a million eyes went my way. "Hey Ni. Its alright you're ok you just lost your voice. Go backstage and rest you're ok. I turned off my microphone and gave it to who ever was next to me. This cold was my enemy.

A few days later with a bunch of rest and medicine I got better and was back to being my funny carefree Irish princess. The fans let me know that it was ok what happened on stage and I was happy that they understood.

A/N ok so that was Nialls cold. I really didn't know how to end it so there you go. Please comment what you think and if you want me to do this as a series with the other boys. So see you later Tamarins

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