Request for Narry4Life22

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I put my hand over my mouth and sat up. The dentist moved away but it was too late. I already threw up on him and Liam, who jumped up when I sat up.

"Get a bucket! Get a bucket!" I heard Liam call.

I threw up a second time on my lap. I spit and then a bucket went under my chin. I was done at that point.

I looked up to 4 sympathetic faces.

"We're so so so sorry Ni! We should've believed you!" Louis said, hysteria found in his voice. They all nodded and I really felt bad for them.

"It- it's ok. Just help me clean up," I rasped out. The boys nodded quickly and went to help me up. The dentist cleaned up the mess on the chair after I was up. We went into the bathroom and the boys helped me clean up as best as they could.

After a while my shirt and pants were still wet, and I still smelled like throw up but my breakfast was cleaned off me. We went back into the dentist's office and we're about to get our things to leave.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Where ya going? You still got the appointment!"
The dentist said.

I sighed and went to go sit in the chair. My stomach was still churning and the headache was progressing so I couldn't wait to get out of here.

I let him poke and prod in my mouth. After he was done he gave me a disapproving stare.

"Niall, I found a couple of cavities. So I'm going to schedule the appointment where you get them filled in a week. That means not a lot of sweets. Maybe 1 or two a day."

I groaned and nodded. This was going to be hard.

*A week later*

After I got my cavities filled(which was extremely painful) the dentist said I couldn't eat for two hours! The boys helped me through it(and my stomach bug at the same time) and we were back to performing in no time.

So this is the last request! Hehehe the next is Mpreg( male pregnancy) so if you don't like it I am so sorry! This is probably going to last 9 or 10 parts so, yeah. And if a lot of people like it I will maybe make a book out of it! Anyways Narry4Life22 I hope you like it!! Love you all!! 😘😘😘

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