Request for Paris5131 Part 2

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"Liammmm!" I called and "coughed" afterwards. He rushed into my room wearing just his briefs.

"What?" He asked sounding exasperated.

"I don't feel good" I answered trying my best to sound congested. "My throat hurts, I can't breathe through my nose, and my head hurts.

"Oh I'm sorry you're feeling poorly bud," he said sounding sympathetic. Then he felt my forehead for a temperature. "Well, you're not warm, I'm going to give you some medicine and if you're still not feeling good then I guess you'll have to stay home from school. That means I have to stay home from work."

Suddenly a pang of guilt hit me. "No, I'll be alright. You go to work," I said.

"No. You're sick. I'll take overtime," he said and flashed me a smile. He walked out before I could say anything else.

Well, I would have to add some fake sneezes in here too. So that's what I did. I made this like weird sound that must've sounded like a sneeze because he let me stay home. I hope nothing happens that makes him suspicious.
I'm sorry it's so short! The next one will be much longer!! Love you all!! 😁😁😘😘

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