Request for BottomBabyLou part 2

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A/n: This is part two!! I just love you guys so much!!

We got in the black van as easily can be expected. Which is not very easy. Niall was hyperventilating and I could feel my stomach already becoming quesy. (I think that's how it's spelled) I of course being the nice person I am let Niall sit by the door and me in the middle between Harry and him. The bus driver who's name I learned was James said we had a long way to go. For the first part I was doing fine. I actually thought I had a chance of getting past this then the pain increased. I laid my head back trying to keep my breakfast down but that only made my head hurt with it. Harry noticed and put a hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and smiled. Then my stomach lurched and I felt all the contents of my breakfast come up my throat. I put my hand up to my mouth as spit found its way through my hand. "Bag! We need a bag!" I heard Harry call. He put a bag under my hand as I let go and I threw up mushed up cereal. I spit for about 2 minutes as a warm hand rubbed circles on my back. "James! Can we go back to the bus?" Harry asked. "No I-I'm fine", I stammered. "We can always go to Summers palace another day", he said. The boys nodded in agreement and I smiled weakly. I fell asleep before I said anything else.

Hope you like it Babes!!* Sorry it's so late and so short!! :)))

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