Paris5131 Request part 3

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Niall's POV
it's been a few days and I was still faking sick and Liam kept having to take off work and do over time. I do feel bad for doing this, but I really don't want to go back to school because of that bully Andy. But I know that I can't afford to be doing that to Liam anymore. I decided that I was going to go to school the next day and just get bullied.

~the next day~

I walked into class and the teacher wasn't there yet and Adam comes up to me and starts to punch me, kick me, and throw me on the ground. The teacher walked in right as soon as Adam threw me on the ground and she brought Adam and I down to the principals office and I explained everything that Adam was doing. The principal said that he was going to call Liam and that I should go home. He also said that Adam was expelled and his mom would be called first so that I could explain everything that Adam has been doing and show her what he has been doing to me. The principal called Adam's mom first then he called Liam and they both got here at the same time. I explained everything to his mom and his mom was furious. I told Liam that's why I always home faking sick because I didn't want to deal with Adam. I could tell that Liam was disappointed in me, but he also had that look on his face that said he didn't want me to go through that. Liam decided that he wanted to talk about this so we went to Starbucks and talked about it.

Liam's POV
I was at work when the principal at Niall's school called and said that Niall was in the principals office. I was thinking to myself what did Niall do and how much trouble will he be in. I told him that I was on my way and right as soon as I got there there was Niall with a beat up face and another boy sitting in the principals office as well. Another parent walked through the door and it looked like it was the other boys mom. I introduced myself and then we asked the Principal what happened. He said that he would let Niall explain and that's what Niall did. he explained everything that has been happening to him and he said that he was faking sick so that he didn't have to go to school to deal with Adam. I was mad that Niall was faking sick, but i was also upset that Niall had to go through this. The principal said that he would let Niall take a few days off (I know this would never happen in real life but it's just a fan fic) and I agreed. I figured that Niall and I were going to talk about this, so we decided that we were going to go to Starbucks and talk this through. After we got done with Starbucks and talking about everything we went home and we watched movies and ate ice cream for the rest of the night.

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