Advanced Honors English 4

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Nicki's P.O.V

Senior year, the final year. People say it's really your defining moment, the year you have the most fun and bullshit bullshit really.

This year has been anything but for me.

I'm an all honors student, straight A's and from what it seems, soon to be valedictorian. At this point there was no longer even an expectation for me, I was the expectation for everyone else.

I must smile in everybodies face, be polite, maintain my grades, stay involved with everything. Especially given I am the president of student council. I'm damn near the face of this school.

Let me not forget to mention the prudish good girl image I have to portray. Surprisingly that one was the easiest to uphold. Not to say that I'm the devil in an angels costume I am pretty good for the most part, but what makes this so easy is the fact that I don't like men, or anyone in general at this school really.

But more specifically, all these guys throw themselves at me trying to get into my panties, and at this point, I might as well carry nigga repellent in my purse. I turn down at the very least, two guys a day.

But I wouldn't necessarily say I'm into girls either.

I've done my fair share of experimenting with guys and girls, and sure, if I don't like men, I must like women right? Well that's what I thought too.

But there honestly hasn't been any woman to ever catch my eye, or have me interested in exploring more past one night.

I thought I was gay for a little while but truth be told I don't know what the hell I am. I'm just not really attracted to anyone.

There has only truly ever been one person that ever made me believe I had to be gay. She was actually the reason I thought to give girls a chance.

My English teacher, Ms. Knowles.

It was freshman year, and I knew well before I met her I had no interest in guys. But meeting her really had me questioning if I liked girls.

The first day of high school, I had skipped out on the school tour that summer, so I didn't have the slightest clue of where my classes were, and this school is huge.

The first bell rang as I walked around the school lost, like a typical dumb freshman, just lost.

Pretty soon the hallways cleared and I was by myself. I was nervous, I felt stupid.

How the hell was I even going to have the slightest chance of surviving highschool if I couldn't even find my class?

And soon enough, I was crying.

This was already a disaster. I hadn't even encountered an unlikely bully I feared irrationally, yet here I was already in tears.

But then I bumped into someone, I looked at her, and she was a little taller than me.

Light skinned, amazing figure, and huge curly blonde hair. Probably the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. I was in awe.

I completely forgot I was even crying until she recognized my red eyes and wet cheeks.

I can still remember the feeling of her hand softly caressing my arm when she asked me if I was ok.

Her voice was so gentle, but it was deep, like an ocean. I was in love with hearing her talk.

I told her I was lost, so she helped me find my class. And just like that she was gone, off doing whatever it was she was supposed to be doing at the moment; But I couldn't stop thinking about her.

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