chapter 18

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Please read!
I just wanted to thank everyone who read or is reading my book. I appreciate all of you even though there are few. Like how can people take time from their daily lives to read my book!?

Anyway, love you guys and I'll stop bothering now and enjoy!

After the barbecue all of us sat down at the table. I could tell everyone was having a great time, I was happy Sam was here because it is so weird being with all these couples.

We were talking about getting some fireworks for Sunday when Sam spoke up. "So like, Ashton, Tasha, are you guys like together now?"

I looked at them and Tasha was smiling brightly and Ashton looked uncomfortable. "Ashton?" She questioned.

He pursed his lips and his eyes fell on me. His look was like he wanted me to tell him don't do it, but I avoided his gaze and turned it towards the cup in front of me.

"Yeah, we're dating."
My heart fell to the pit of my stomach and everyone had shocked and disbelief written on their faces.

Tasha made a little mouse squeeled thing and put her arms around Ashton.

He looked at her and smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

I bit my lip to keep it from quivering.

Man up! He gave you a chance and you didn't take it, Blake.

My friends congratulated them awkwardly, just because it was unexpected.

They looked at me and awaited my response. The group would always wait for me to do something or approve for some reason. I'm like the mom here.

"I wish you the best." I managed a smile. Tasha smiled and Ashton didn't do anything. After some more chatter, I announced I was going to bed.

"Come on Blake, it's still early!" Sam said.

"Yeah, why in such a hurry?" Ashton asked calmly. I forced myself not to glare.

"Tired out, see you guys tomorrow!" I waved and everyone said goodbye.

I fastly walked up to my room and held my chest. I didn't know what to feel.

Angry, sad, lonely, regretful, happy...all I know is Ashton is the reason for the knot in my stomach.

I feel so weak! A boy shouldn't be causing these emotions and feelings.

Taking out my phone I looked to see if Troy had sent me anything, but nothing.

I heard approaching footsteps and quickly wiped my wet cheeks.

Riley and Emma entered the room. "Hey guys, what's up?" I said, sounding strained.

"Don't what's up us, Blake!" Riley said, "You're always the most social one, it's not like you to leave!"

She crossed her arms. "Yeah, and to be honest, I can see you have been different for a while, you're not the same." Emma said.

I thought if I was going to tell them it might as well be now. I closed my eyes and calmed down. "Okay, you guys might need to sit down for what I'm about to tell you."

They frowned and sat down. Emma next to me and Riley on the floor in front of me. "Guys, you can not tell anyone ever about this."

Emma's eyes widened, "Oh my gosh, did Troy get you pregnant?!?!" Riley started to freak out as well.

"No no no no, god no, he did not get me pregnant!" I assured.

They calmed down and I laughed a bit. "Have you guys heard about the Labyrinth?"

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