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Her manager's unbearably calm voice reached her ears," I am sorry ma'am. We are forced to cancel your tickets to Paris. Sine, your book as a whole, including the short stories, topped the bestseller's list for more than week, so the publishing house wants us to do a press tour all around  U.S. I tried them to get out of the idea, but they were determined. So, we had to give in. I am really sorry." 

This time her heart was shattered to million pieces. How perfectly she had planned to escape reality, but here she was, right back were she didn't want to be. Completely trapped.

She unwillingly repacked her backpack. She took out all the comfy loose trainers and stuffed all those plain colored tight body hugging dresses. She dreaded dresses because they constrict her free movements and bubbly behavior.

At the end she completed  her repacking. She called a maid that her  father had sent with her and asked her to cook some food for her. She kept on reading and re-reading the letter, to make her feel better. She was not used these types of backfiring of her plans, so she was really upset.

Well, now she had to do what she was supposed to. She was supposed to go to some freaking press tour  all over U.S. Ugh! it was going to long!

3 weeks later:

Ana couldn't believe that 3 weeks had gone by so fast. These past weeks were a complete blur for her as she didn't give a damn to what was happening to her. She became like a robot. Mechanically doing anything and everything she was asked to- " Ana smile". She smiled."Ana strike a pose". She did. She became a paparazzi pet. Just the kind of  celebrity author the media wanted. 

At the back of her mind, she knew the medicine to her depression. The antidote to her restless mind. Being on road . On the road, again!

*****************************************************************************************************Guys, I know this was unbearably short . But, the next chapter is where the real adventure starts.

Stay tuned!don't forget to vote! love you loads!!


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