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Ana woke up to a loud honking sound. She stirred in her sleep but soon realized that it was no point trying to sleep once she had woken up. She removed the curtains of her bunk and found the bus empty. Where had her manager gone? She wondered. Nonetheless, she quickly got ready and asked the driver where her next stop was. He said that it was San Diego. He also said that it was the last week of the press tour. He sounded rather unhappy, but Ana was far more than happy! She would finally wake up to a static floor, and would be able to go to sleep without any sound, unlike here where she goes to sleep listening to the rumbling of the engine.

She had a slow breakfast and got ready as they would be arriving in San Diego later in the afternoon. She had almost 5 hours to kill. So, she opened up her laptop and googled the only thing that has been circling her mind- Frenchmen. She expected something completely absurd results to pop up, but to her surprise it was just the opposite. 

She quickly took out the letter and examined the handwriting. The handwriting initially didn't tell much because all the letters stood straight. But on closer observation, she saw that some of the letters bent a little towards the left. Yet, this hasn't eased much of her work. It has just helped her put that Frenchman in one category. All she knows about him is that he is in Paris! This could be like finding a needle in the haystack. 

She wanted to be on the road, all by herself, again and she knows that making things hard for her will increase the adventure. She was in for it, anything that would take her away from the fame, the reality.

*1 week later*

Ana returned to her NYC flat, all safe and sound.

After another week of complete rest and Starbucks, she was now ready to hit the road.

She decided that it would be better if she avoided the flight, it would attract media attention. So, she called up a rental shop just outside the NYC, where she would be hiring a small caravan, just in case she didn't get her tickets in the train she was planning to travel. The road trip was going to be short but the journey across the ocean to Europe was going to be really long. Since, she had enough money, so she would be booking her flight to Europe last minute. Everything else was set. She watched her clock as it struck 12 at midnight. She flung open her window and stood tall on the steal railing. She made sure her phone was switched off and frisked herself once again to see if she was missing anything. Finally as she peered down, the adrenaline ran through her as it finally hit her what she was actually about to do.


Author's Note:

Well, now the adventure has started. I can guarantee you that you are going to love it.

Stay tuned! & Vote for me! Thank you & I love you.


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