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She slowly jumped down, carefully keeping each step on every other window pane that caught her eyes. Finally she landed with a small thud on the ground. A small sigh escaped her lips as she realized the irony. Even though she had enough money to spend her life in exotic resorts; but, here she, escaping from her very own flat in this unusually silent night of New York. 

As she crept out of her driveway, she reached the abbey and crossed the now empty street, trying her best to maintain a normal expression. Instead of, the i-just-escaped-my-own-flat look. She felt so free and wondered why she hadn't tried this idea before. No paparazzi,no cameras. Just her and the moonlight , accompanied by darkness. 

She quickly snapped out of her thoughts as she reached her destination, ground zero. She hadn't actually planned to be here, but when she crossed the area she felt as if she was meant to be here. She slowly neared the area, afraid that security would catch hold of her, but nothing such happened because there were the high barriers that had sensors at them to prevent the ground zero from intruders. She had been here before, but today she was here alone & that felt good. 

She quietly sat down near one of the barriers, and laid down with her back on the ground. She quickly kept her backpack aside and stared at the dark yet moonlit sky. Slowly, she felt her tension release and became relaxed. Soon, she got up because she realized that she had an adventure to go  through. She could have stayed at that spot until dawn, but she can't do that. She walked ahead on the all too familiar streets of New York, with her backpack slung on her back. She felt like a mountaineer.

 She reached the Bart Station and got the nearest seat to the door. She was suddenly met with the sight of a wealthy drunken couple, cuddling and having the best time of their lives and directly on the other side was a poor couple, who were probably thinking how to spend yet save the money to help their family without them ending up on streets. .Such irony, yet that was reality! Then she thought about herself. She was born with a silver spoon, but she wasn't fed with it. She had been brought up to face the worst in life and she was thankful! The bell dinged and she knew she had arrived at Oakland Valley station. Now she was tensed whether she would get a flight to fly across the ocean or not because that was what she needed. She quickly took a taxi to the airport. She hadn't slept all night and it was now 8:00 in the morning! 

Luckily, she did get the first flight to France. Although she had to pay a lot of money. She quickly got into security check and patiently waited for her flight at  10:00 am that day. Slowly she drifted off to sleep, hoping she didn't miss her flight!


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